Exhaust wrap on bikes

afer_daily, Apr 29, 12:32pm
i know the effect but it looks like s$%t . ceramic ? any idea of the cost and where to get it done ?

m16d, Apr 29, 4:04pm

I've had the headers on all my Hondas hp coated. I think it looks ok. better than burnt stainless.

budgel, Apr 30, 3:19am
I think of wrap as that lagging type stuff that looks like crap.

The HP product seems quite good.

I always felt that lagged pipes on a bike would be a hindrance to effective cooling.

plasticboys, Apr 30, 3:39am
so what is the effect ?

ladatrouble, Apr 30, 3:45am
It's not a bobber without it.

esky-tastic, Apr 30, 4:03am
It rusts the pipes quicker.

tweake, Feb 18, 4:57pm
my understanding is it doesn't rust but rather the steel overheats due to the lagging stopping it from being cooled down by the outside air.
with the ceramic coatings, the coating is on the inside reducing the heating of the pipes, but still allowing the pipes to be cooled by the outside air.