Hi all - wondering if you own one of these what milage you get. I hear some people getting 6-700 a tank around town with a little motorway - i am getting about 500km to a tank mostly town driving!.
Jul 1, 2:54am
How many litres do you put in then you fill it?
Jul 1, 3:13am
You're not putting 91 petrol in it are you? VQs need 95/98.
Jul 1, 3:21am
Something seems a little iffy there if you are only getting that mileage- They have an 80L tank. My son has a V8 Nissan Fuga (same sized tank) and in Christchurch town driving he gets over 500km to the tank.
Jul 1, 4:04am
using 95 in it. Economy showing at best 7.8 km per litre. Don't drive like an old woman but aren't screwing by any means either so not sure whats happening.
Jul 1, 5:59am
That is 12.82L/100km, which does not sound uncharacteristic for a 3.5L engine in city driving.
Would be a very different story if it involved some highways/open roads.
My 3L Honda does 13-14L/100km in city, but 7.2L/100km on the open road.
Jul 1, 6:48am
Is your economy figure based on the factory installed trip computer or working out manually at each fuel fill using km's travelling vs litres used? My parents had a BA Ford Fairmont Ghia that always proved more economical using manually obtained figures compared to what the trip computer said the car was doing, for both town type running and open road running.
Jul 1, 1:53pm
Cheers guys - @ nzmax it was the trip computer i have been relying on. Will use an app to measure it next time i brim the tank and figure out real world economy.
Jul 1, 2:29pm
What do you need an app for didnt you learn maths at school, it really is quite simple to work out or am just getting to old.
Jul 1, 3:31pm
From memory I got 650-700km open road in my m35, it's 4wd though so likely heavier than your v36. Around town I see 500-550km.
Jul 1, 4:00pm
Is there some weird virtue in doing things the hard way?
Jul 3, 2:02am
How is it hard?
Jul 3, 3:30am
Same engine in wifes 07 350z gives about 10 to 10.5 km/L mix of mostly open road and some 50kph commuting. If you boot it, it rapidly drops to around 7.5. If your driving is pretty much all around town, the stop/start and acceleration of a heavy car will likely be the issue.(my old man has a 3.5L SV2 series 2 commodore, pig in town, great on the open road, same thing) Try reset the meter and take a half hour motorway cruise , see what consumption is like then? If a recent import, get it serviced - entirely possible it's seen no maintenance.
Jul 3, 3:50am
. a what?
Jul 3, 3:13pm
3.6 SV6 I would imagine.
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