- urgent advice please on car bought off TM

wahinetoa62, Dec 9, 9:09pm
bought a car off tm and was told it was all good - has a wof but found out it has a number of issues such as gearbox is playing up and not changing gear probably - oil leaks - rear suspension bushes are shot. So want to return the car to the person given all the issues with it - do we have a legal right to do so or does anyone have a broad ball park figure of costs involved -

jmma, Dec 9, 9:11pm
Make and model and milage of car might help.
Did you have the car checked over before you bought it?

wahinetoa62, Dec 9, 9:15pm
BMW -115,000kms nope just the general look and it went fine - but when got it home a couple of days later it played up abit - the idling needs adjusting but that is of course no big deal - took it to the mechanic today for a check over - so not a good time of year to be hit with a big bill on the car

thunderbolt, Dec 9, 9:16pm
If its a private sale you have no right to return it.
These things should have been noted in a thorough pre-purchase inspection.
If it didn't have an inspection, then you didn't take reasonable steps to protect yourself.
If you have some proof that the buyer knew of these faults and misrepresented the cars condition, you might have a case to take to the disputes tribunal.
If the car was purchased from a dealer, you could use the CGA to have repairs completed or money refunded.
How long ago was the purchase and what is the make, model and year of the car?

kazbanz, Dec 9, 9:37pm
Short version--Dealer sold it to you No problem-they fix or refund.
Private person -In the real world NO comeback.

tamarillo, Dec 9, 9:41pm
And the answer is.
Come on op, private or dealer?

msigg, Dec 9, 10:16pm
kazbanz has the answer.

phillip.weston, Dec 9, 11:22pm
So you took it to a mechanic for a check over AFTER you bought it - why did you not do that BEFORE committing to purchasing the car?

bumfacingdown, Dec 10, 12:00am
Going by this thread and the one in General all the wrong answers have been given to the OP (OK they are correct but not what they wanted to hear)

saxman99, Dec 10, 12:03am
There is no way rear suspension bushes should be 'shot' after only 115,000 k. Which bit do they mean, and what's the issue?

Unfortunately if it's a Jap import 3 series Automatic then yes the transmissions do give trouble and the fix can be very expensive.

I wouldn't worry about an oil leak unless it's horrendous, all bimmers do that.

lookoutas, Dec 10, 12:08am
Probably means the rear bushes on the front A arms.
And it's probably the trans cooler plugs that are leaking. They're bloody useless!

alfred011, Dec 10, 1:53am
Why would you want to buy a BMW they are over rated and parts are over priced better off with a reliable Japanese car.

tamarillo, Dec 10, 2:03am
Yes but we don't all wear grey.

bumfacingdown, Jul 5, 12:19pm
Or earn enough for the upkeep