Four-wheel-drive Zephyr MK4 for sale

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jmma, Nov 26, 5:55pm
Oh Dear (o:

trogedon, Nov 26, 6:35pm
Oh the shame, oh the shame.

bill-robinson, Nov 26, 8:33pm
that one is commonly known as a plastic pig.

lookoutas, Nov 26, 11:46pm
You're right bj - I used to pop a bit of cobalt, but got sick of rattling. And forgetting to remember.
I'm just not one for dumping on anyones car, and will take arms pretty quick, no matter what brand is crapped on.

The biggest problem with Mk IV's were the drivers who ignored the tell-tail signs. I owned one, and both the oil pump drive & timing cog crapped out, but I didn't try to keep driving it.
Remember fixing a Zodi that had the timing cog death rattle, and when the owner came to pick it up, I told him not to drive it anywhere.
He was a stock agent and needed to go to Te Kuiti right then for a deal, but didn't get very far.

They were a very effortless and comfortable car to drive.

beetle1234, Nov 27, 12:42am
There was a Falcon 4x4 ute on trade me a while back,restored but a bloody minta,at almost GT price,s but there again they are as rare as rocking horse shit.

joanie04, Nov 27, 2:10am
All three of us learnt to drive in a MKIV. Good safe robust cars. Dad was a mechanic and was very aware of their issues. My younger brothers assured him that they could easily do 80mph in 3rd gear lol. At one stage dad was importing V8's from Canada and did a few conversions. Decided to do something a bit different. Dropped a V8 into a falcon and put the falcon motor into a MKIV. After a few modifications it became the family run about. It was so low geared I could never start off in first without bunny hopping so I used to start off in second. Another MKIV he dropped a V8 into he couldn't get it the kickdown to work. After going up and down the road at a great rate of knots with three different drivers he decided to let Mum drive. She got it to work first up. Just took off a bit slower and then planted just right and Dad was just about in the back seat.

cagivachick1, Nov 27, 2:15am
funny how some people react

captaink, Nov 27, 2:42am
OMG Mk 4's I couldn't drive one 10km's without over heating, my mate could tow his race car from Palmy to Baypark and back over and over again with any example that was on the lot and never had a problem, it was truly amazing.
I would only use a Valiant or Falcon if heading out of town with the trailer on the back.

lookoutas, Nov 28, 12:22am
I've mentioned on here before that those engines were fantastic in Jet Boats. Guess the abundance of cooling was the best thing for them.

Always seemed stupid to have that great area of blocked off front that no air could get through. And then the bloody spare wheel was in the way!

Pretty sure that once one had gone boof and been fixed, the rot had set in, and overheating was imminent.

lookoutas, Aug 30, 12:02pm
Was trying to wrangle a trip up there to pick up the C/door that went through the chook house out by the airport. But Bene's seemed intent on getting the job to bring it down, so I wasn't able to check out you B supply.