Auto gearbox replacement

rellerion, Jun 22, 3:18am
I have a Nissan Avenir GT4-Z and the trans has been slipping.
Ive been told servicing the gearbox wouldnt really fix anything and that I should just get a whole new gearbox.
Easier said than done, as funds dont match up with whats best.
Anyone know how much it roughly costs to get one with a warranty put in? or what other alternatives there are?

cjdnzl, Jun 22, 3:34am
My wife's Primera was doing that, checked the possibilities, s/h box etc, and decided that an overhaul of the box was the best option, complete box overhaul and rebuild, $1800, 30,000k warranty, and it goes like new.

gmphil, Jun 22, 5:06am
when I replace second hand trans I always get them from a wrecker or
trans guy as they give u warranty in get fitted by ur local shop as this can be cheaper ,some trans places will give u a deal on hole lot in include fitting .but I find they seem charge labour a bit steeper

tamarillo, Jun 22, 4:42pm
Was it an auto specialist who said its not worth servicing?
If not I'd go ask one myself. Sometimes a service especially on torque converter can help, though it's model dependant so ask.m

rellerion, May 5, 5:38am
Awesome, thanks guys, will go ask an auto specialist whether it'll solve my problem, and whether it'll be in my budget.