What to do if rego runs out 3 days before July 1st. Will I have to buy 3 months at the old (higher) price ?.
May 24, 3:18am
no you got to vtnz and fill in a form for those 3 days,done it last week to run out on july 1st so I don't pay the bug r s a cent more than I have too
May 24, 3:20am
Nope. Visit an NZPost or agency and alter expiry date to a date in July - I can't remember the form number but it's green :-) - Minimal cost really considering the savings - even if your vehicle is rated L1 under the new scale.
May 24, 3:36am
Everyone will try to register on July 1st and the computer will crash Lol (o:
May 24, 3:47am
Ask for an MR27 'Application to change licence expiry date'
Then, as above, just change the expiry to whichever date subsequent to July 1st that you choose.
May 24, 4:15am
What you can also do is fill out the mr27 for those three days, then fill out another mr27 in the same transaction for however many months you want eg: 6months and that will be charged at the new rate so you don't have to battle with the crowds come 1st july.
May 24, 4:51am
Thanks guys, that's good news.
May 25, 12:21am
Lots of people doing it, will be like the good old days when all regoes expired 30th of June. Long lines at the post office at rego time, but this time it will be the computer crashing
May 25, 12:39am
Forget the queues. Much easier to do regular rego online. Don't know about MR27.
May 25, 3:30am
So, the price paid depends on the expiry date of the current license, rather than when the new license is purchased?
May 25, 3:44am
My understanding is the current expiry doesn't really affect the cost. Because you're simply extending the current licence expiry date, they charge a fee dependant on the period of extension, from the day you apply for the MR27. So, the OP will likely only pay a few bucks to extend his for the 3 days.
But don't take this as gospel, because I might have it a bit wrong. been a while since I last did it myself.
May 25, 3:56am
and yes as lespat has said then do it online saves about $5 and they send out the sticker but allow about a week for the post
May 25, 5:12am
Important note: From 1 July 2015 the ACC portion of your licensing fee (rego) is going down by an average of 41% depending on your type of vehicle. (This does not apply to motorcycles). To benefit from the reduction as soon as possible you may want to renew your licence so that it expires soon after 1 July 2015. The minimum length of time you can renew your licence online is three months. If you want to renew your licence for less than three months you will need to visit an agent and complete an MR27 form.
May 25, 3:40pm
somone posted the site crashed already today i wonder how mutch 250$ fine the wardens are handing out on the day they probably be employing everyone armed with infringment booklets for the days after 1 july
May 25, 3:48pm
I Just put my bike rego on hold now. Worked fine.
May 25, 3:51pm
well click on the other thread about it crashing i dont know maybe its his computer system try and see if it crashes for you ?
May 25, 8:43pm
Take a $23 drive into the city to fill in the forms and save yourself about $25 in rego.
May 26, 7:12pm
Just trying to grasp the situation. Let's say rego expires 1 week before July 1st. One option would be to renew on time, and this results in the current fees applying to the whole license period purchased. Fair enough.
But let's say one decides to let the license lapse a wee bit, until after July 1st, then buy the license. Do the new fees apply for both the backdate and going forward, or would the old fees apply since it expired before July 1st?
May 26, 7:41pm
even if u do today u will only get charge old rate till 1july then new rate !
May 26, 7:55pm
wrong, if you renew today for say 3 months, you will pay the old rate for the entire 3 month period, there is no provision to break the rate into periods
May 26, 7:58pm
you can go in today and get a months worth, then get more for after that period, eg after 1st july, the second period will be at the new rate - but if the old expires on june 28th and you bang another 6 months on to take effect from 28th you will pay the 6 months at the old rate, continuous licensing will not allow you to be unlicensed for even 2 days
May 26, 8:32pm
I bad ! skin1235 is rite . just spoke land transport she managed to give me the info before she bailed as fire alarm started !
May 26, 8:53pm
seems strange in this day of technology we have, a couple of minutes writing the code and the computers could break it down to at least daily, this could have easily avoided with a rolling start rather than an abrupt 1st July cutoff another way to claw more from the public?
ps: I know they need a fire under their arse but not literally a fire, lol, the fire will probably get blamed for the inconsistencies that will inevitably happen
May 26, 9:16pm
by putting a definite date on it, they now bring their payday into a monthly cycle instead of a daily cycle, the prewarnings we've all had got us to organise to expire our current rego on or very near the 1st July, your rego will now fall on an anniversary of july 1st, as most people still rego for 12 mnths or 6 mths it will bring a lump sum in on those days - and continuous licensing will ensure that very few of them will change away from that anniversary date
May 26, 11:31pm
Yup, did it today - 5 minutes and about ten bucks. Easy & cheap.
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