So, Fiat don't do trunk monkeys, but.

thejazzpianoma, Jun 2, 5:04am

Yeah, I know it's lame, but somehow still I found it funny.

skin1235, Jun 2, 5:13am
luv it

skin1235, Jun 2, 6:01am
what?, nobody else
gotta be better than driving a ute that is so full of engine fumes you hallucinate and think you saw a pig with rockets strapped to his back riding a bike while a monkey etc etc
why don't they just fix the exhaust leak on the toyo

thejazzpianoma, Jun 2, 2:34pm
LOL. exhaust leak is "factory" part of the customer retention program. OOoooo pig with rockets, flames and armour. and Hilux is the best truck in the world, I will take another one thanks!

bumfacingdown, Jun 2, 2:57pm
And I did think of you jaz when I stumbled onto this clip, what is that darn noise though?

poppy62, Jun 2, 3:03pm
Good one Jazz. Very classy, I guess there's no Opossums over there!

mcscottwgtn, Aug 4, 9:28pm