Chev engine.

ty351, Feb 23, 3:06am
does anyone know how to tell the difference between a 350 and 327 without pulling it apart? engine number is 3970010 if that helps.

rob_man, Feb 23, 3:14am
Same block different crank from memory, the big journal 327s anyway. That's the last of them in 1969. The earlier ones were 283 blocks as I recall.

tamarillo, Feb 23, 3:14am
It's 23.

rob_man, Feb 23, 3:17am
According to this site it's either a 350 or 302 but they are the same block as a 327.

attitudedesignz, Feb 23, 3:19am
'69-'79 350, 'low power' are 200 hp and 'high power' are 370hp. Also worth plucking sump as 010's are either 2 OR 4 bolt mains.

jmma, Feb 23, 3:20am

attitudedesignz, Feb 23, 3:21am
It WILL be a 350.

And OP if it turns out it's a 302 tell no one except me and i'll be on ya doorstep with a big bunch of foldies.

rob_man, Feb 23, 3:25am
And this one has it as either 350 or 327. All in the stroke.

ema1, Feb 23, 3:45am
^^Same as I found^^. 327cid (1968) 2 bolt mains only .
and also 350cid (1969-1976) was had in both 2 bolt and 4 bolt type mains.
Both used the 3970010 stamped block castings. Different internals obviously.

kevymtnz, Feb 23, 4:00am

petermcg, May 31, 11:11am
Lot of those 0010 blocks only had 2 bolt crank. The 327 and 350 use the same size piston, but the gudgeon is set at a different height. because of the different stroke.