Hey guys, My brothers Terrano overheated the other day after being out 4wding. I believe the cause was due to the radiator being completely packed full of Mud. It managed to blow a big piece out of the top of the radiator ( Plastic topped ) after a few kms of open road driving. I gather the cap somehow failed? We have since replaced the radiator and cap and had it running and seems to run as normal, but the temp gauge no longer works, also the alternator has packed up but I gather that is packed full of mud aswell. Is there any reason the temp gauge would no longer work? would low voltage cause this? water seems to be circulating fine. heater blows warm once engine is warmed up.
Jun 5, 2:37am
is the wire still on the sender unit?. If so short the wire to earth and the gauge should go to full. That should tell you where the problem lies.
Jun 5, 2:50am
did you phisically check the wire on the engine also v6 i assume a petrol engine?
Jun 5, 2:55am
Yes petrol engine. and yes I can see the sender wire plugged on. Will go out and short it soon to check
Jun 5, 2:57am
there will be 2 sensors one is for the ecu and one will be for the dash cluster temp sender. this is how older cars have it
Jun 5, 2:58am
Gauge needle hasn't warped and is now rubbing on the face of the gauge? That's a signature D21 problem.
Jun 5, 11:58pm
So I tested the gauge by shorting the sender to ground and it went straight to full. There for am I right in assuming the temp sender has likely failed? I will get alternator going before I look at replacing it as i'm still concerned that low voltage might be causing it to malfunction
Jun 6, 12:17am
its a faulty sensor its only a resisting type sensor that lets more current to ground when it gets warm like when you grounding it out = no resistance hence the cluster nedle went fully up . can also be a faulty contact on plug to sensor from corrosion so sandpaper or use a small file to clean the contact surface carfully also thermonologys are incorrect i just wrote it like this to try and make you understand what it is doing.
Jul 23, 6:09am
Cheers, Thanks for that. Will pull it apart this weekend and check it out
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