Standard engine coolant

verrans, Feb 17, 9:37pm
Found an old bottle of standard engine coolant. looks to still be sealed. Says, warning not recommended for alloy engines after 1984. Complete fill corrosion inhibitor, Type B coolant. Not suitable for those vehicles where anti-boil anti-freeze coolant is recommended. Not sure how old it is. would it 1. be expired, and 2. be any good to anyone? thank you

monaro17, Feb 17, 10:17pm
Both. It is most likely expired. And probably no good at all to use. Coolant only lasts four years

franc123, Feb 17, 10:20pm
Down the toilet is the bed place for it, you wouldn't use it in anything remotely modern. That fourth statement is a strange one, if it hasn't got anti boil qualities it would have to be used in a pretty high pressure system, something old cars generally didn't have.

verrans, Feb 17, 11:35pm
Thanks for that. Will find a waste collection drop off location

jason_247, Feb 18, 12:09am
that stuff only sells for like $10 anyway.

petal_91, Feb 18, 12:49am
Type B coolant contains corrosion inhibitor only. No glycol anti freeze. I think it is used in Oz mostly and some racing applications. You must never mix this with a normal antifreeze coolant, always drain and flush first.

phillip.weston, Jun 11, 1:54pm
I bet it's the Supercheap stuff that used to be sold for something like $4 a bottle.