Outboard engine help

mayhem31, Jul 26, 3:22am
Hi i have a 97 evinrude 35hp 3 cylinder 2 stroke. im replacing the impeller.have taken out the 6 bolts holding the leg in, leg should just drop out?. it drops about 20mm an thats all. when i pull up an down it pulls the gear lever. am i missing something or is it just stuck?. thanks

thejazzpianoma, Jul 26, 3:34am
Look at the rear of the leg, most outboards have an exposed portion of the gear actuator rod with a threaded joint in the middle that you can undo. This is why the gear lever moves when you try to take the leg off. You might be able to see it in some pictures online. Also, don't forget to lubricate the impeller with rubber grease/silicone when you fit it. Best of luck.

bwg11, Jul 26, 3:37am
Part #66 on this link:


I'm not familiar with this motor, it may be accessible through the gap you have, or maybe under a rubber bung in the leg.

thejazzpianoma, Jul 26, 3:42am
Looking at that and another diagram, it looks to me like it is not an exposed selector rod model. If you can't access it as suggested in this post, it may be one of these ones where you actually disconnect it from right up at the top, and the whole rod comes out with the transmission. If this is the case, you may find it needs to be in a particular position (like reverse) to access the pin to undo it at the top.

looking again at this diagram, looks like the shift rod connector would be about in line and likely accessible through that rectangular opening just above the transmission bulge.

Look at number 66, that being the shift rod connector and then look directly down at the side and you will see the rectangular opening.

You will also likely find a workshop manual for the outboard online if you take a bit of time to look.

mayhem31, Jul 26, 3:48am
i just had a look an theres no rod. maybe the spine at top has rusted together?

xs1100, Jul 26, 3:49am
yes get a manual or do a google search you need to undo selector rod,and from past experience when you put It back together check all the adjustments before the final tighten,run up

thejazzpianoma, Jul 26, 3:58am
There is definitely a rod, you can see it in the parts picture above. It's just that it is not exposed externally in this case. Take a look at what I wrote in the edit above, I am pretty sure it will be accessible in that side rectangle if your model has it. Otherwise release from the top. It won't be the spline if the shifter is moving, clearly it's attached, and while I have not worked on a lot of outboards, I am yet to find one where you don't have to undo the selector rod to drop the bottom.

mayhem31, Dec 26, 12:08pm
ok thanks again