Whistling hilux diesel

otago147, May 18, 7:38am
Annoying whistling from engine compartment when slowly accelerating my 3.0 hilux diesel. I vaguely recall a similar problem that was solved on this forum about 2 years ago but cannot go back that far in searches. I think it was a minor repair, something to do with a banjo bolt. Anyone out there remember or know?

frytime, May 18, 1:37pm
what year hilux? what engine? turbo or n/a?

reggienz, May 18, 1:52pm
Sounds like the turbo.

intrade, May 18, 4:33pm
post engine number under bonnet on black tag as per post 2 first

franc123, May 18, 5:18pm
If its a 1KZ highly likely its coming from the check ball valve in the return line from the pump, there is a revised spring from Denso that is available from Toyota. Had this on a Prado, it sounds like a whistle coming from the dashboard, though in my case it also made the noise at idle.

frytime, May 18, 11:03pm
Agree with #5. Can be heard in the car but not under the bonet. have also had an alternator that sounded like a toast turbo On one of those

otago147, May 19, 2:24am
Brilliant. Did a google search for "return line diesel hilux "and even got a picture of the offending part and suggestions to adjust the spring. Ten minutes later , job done, whistling gone. Thanks everybody.

franc123, Jan 23, 9:51am
Fantastic. Weird problem though ain't it?