Airbus tells A400M users to test engine controls

tony9, May 21, 5:47pm
after crash.

One would have expected more tests after a crash.

BTW, this was the plane that NZ Defence had a look at a few months ago to replace the C-130's. With it's track record on delivery it looks to be just the right plane to make it through the selection process for NZDF.

2pennies, May 22, 2:32am
Must say that Lockheed and Boeing haven't got the greatest safety records with their military or civil air craft.
Lets see what we get, we certainly need an update

dublo, May 22, 4:02am
Do we really need a Hercules replacement? Only if they urgently need to transport lots of those 100+ light armoured lemons (oops, I mean vehicles)long distance!
The Hercules transports have been overhauled and upgraded so many times they are virtually new aircraft.

delerium1, May 22, 4:13am
That is about as far from reality as you can get.

morrisman1, May 22, 4:20am
Im sure the politicians will dream up some magical role we need to fulfil to justify their purchase.

Bet we will end up with another bunch of useless junk that we don't need and cant afford to operate.

delerium1, May 22, 7:10pm
So you're pretty ignorant and like to shoot your mouth off regarding topics you don't understand then.

two9s, May 23, 2:58pm
OK. I'll bite. How many Armoured LOV's have ever been deployed? Are they going to ever be allowed to be deployed on operations?

How many of the 104 LAV's do we have that have crews for them?

Why did we buy a bunch of Pinneys off a firm that went bust two years after we purchased from them?

Why do we have a fleet of uber expensive NH90's that can't land/won't land in the field to deploy troops?

That's just for starters:):) d

mugenb20b, May 23, 3:38pm
I can't answer your other questions but I think you'll find the army got them at a really good price.

I could be wrong but from what I heard Pinzgauer (Daimler-Steyr-Puch) went bust two years ago. They are also more compact and capable off road than a Hummer or a Land Rover so maybe it wasn't a bad choice.

richardmayes, May 24, 6:10pm
You seem to know a lot delerium1. Tell us what you know!

delerium1, May 24, 11:08pm
1. At least 4 operated in Afghanistan
2. irrelevant, not all are operated all the time. War stores, training, and maintenance take out a significant portion.
3. Im sure MOD will use their crystal ball to make sure the next manufacturer they use doesn't go under.
4. Actually they DO land in the field, iv seen them. and b) they are not fully operational yet.

5. You seem to think that the hercs only job is to deliver vehicles. I suggest you do some more research.

lespat, May 25, 12:45am
Doesn't get away from the facts that the Services have bought a heap of dogs over the years. Jet trainers, Lavs, Frigates, supply ships etc etc. Wouldn't give the supply officers a purchasing postion in any company I owned. Send you broke.

delerium1, May 25, 2:59am
government makes the purchases, not nzdf.

lespat, May 25, 5:02am
On recommendation of the forces

delerium1, May 25, 6:01pm
You think that government doesn't make its own decisions and always goes with what Nzdf wants? How naive.

richardmayes, May 25, 8:20pm
And that makes FIVE posts where you've told people how naive, ignorant or wrong they are, contributed nothing, and then disappeared again.

Time to come clean. You're basing all of this on an aeroplanes that are hanging from the ceiling in your bedroom, aren't you?

delerium1, May 26, 3:30am
Lol whut. Disappeared? you mean, not posted any further as there were no more posts to respond to. Don't confuse my life with yours either slick.

two9s, May 26, 3:55pm
I mentioned armoured LOV, not LAV. The LAV is actually quite a good bit of kit. The armoured LOV is the biggest disaster on wheels.
Army/navy/Airforce don't buy stuff. Its HQ NZDF that make the final call. And thats 80% civvies who have generally become out of touch with reality and/or too political. But of course you always can get the Aunty Helen touch"go back and do it all again!"
NH90 does not like landing in the field as its got too much precious stuff dangling in places where it would come in touch with vegetation. Unlike proper tactical helos. Try chopping your way in to a clearing in an NH90. I've been in Hueys that were like being inside a blender with all the veg flying around.
Lespat is right, they (Forces/HQ HZDF/Govt) have made just soooo many poor purchases when it comes to military hardware. A lot of it boils down to politics playing just too much in the purchasing process.

richardmayes, May 26, 5:28pm
You'll be on your own, Bigglesworth. Operating deep behind enemy lines. Captain Flashheart will take you over in a Sopwith Camel and you'll have to make your own way back after you've shot up the works.

I can't stress enough the importance of this operation to the war. Britain thanks you, as I, too, thank you.

delerium1, Sep 9, 1:29pm
Cool story bro.