Did he seriously think that the client wouldn't notice it wasn't fixed?
May 20, 2:49am
i have a fair idea what he did. read codes erased codes drives ok = fixed write big bill. Reseting the trans will reset the learning and the gearbox applys full pressure on clutches so problem will be masked initially . thats at least my theroy how this swaptron moron did think he had fixed it, so lets charge for a rebuilt trans. it happens more then you think.
May 20, 2:59am
Well fraud is fraud, but really the whole thing is a muppet show, nobody ever got a recon auto fitted for $966, it would have to make anybody with any sense suspicious.
May 20, 3:09am
Poor mechanic - crap!
May 20, 3:14am
I would say he is a very poor mechanic!
May 20, 3:16am
We had a dodgy local mechanic in a rural area, how he got away with it for so long I will never know. His best trick was tire repairs, used to charge for replacing tubes when he had only patched them. Our neighbour found 12 patches on one wheel on his silage wagon. One of my motorbikes had 5. The old mans 202 powered ute was worn out and running on 5 cylinders, the fully recon engine fitted by the mechanic had less power (running in time we were told). He had the contract for servicing a few local company owned vehicles, they cottoned on when one van got new sparkplugs 2 services in a row-yup it was a diesel! He put alot of mobil 1 into farmers new cars, but never had to restock the few containers he stocked. He had a few scams going, used to hang up the bowser after filling a car, zero it by lifting it and hanging it up again then manually enter a higher fuel amount at the till (normally done to rental cars), used to charge for more LPG than was put into bottles or not totally fill them but still charge. Next closest mechanic was half an hour away, surprised he wasnt lynched. I bet he really pulled some blinders but took those secrets to the grave with him.
By far the most dodgy workshop Ive ever encountered was 7-12 years ago. AA workshop in Belmont. The clientele was mostly fresh immigrants from UK and retirees. The number of 50km cars with new cambelts fitted was infuriating. I finally lost the plot with them when a customer I sold a car to came in with a quote for $2000 to "repair" their car. One thing that stood out was 'replace rear shock absorbers" 9 year old 50000km car that had brand new shocks fitted at compliance. 1/2 worn brake pads required replacement. on the list of required WOF repairs only one tqaillight bulb actually needed replacing.
May 20, 4:58pm
A Honda CRV transmission failing!? That's crazy talk.
May 20, 6:58pm
whats sad is this piece of kuri tutae actually purports to be a mechanic. he's just a criminal
May 20, 10:26pm
These con artists have been around the consumer/service side of business forever. I'm convinced that these Rip off sods are born that way, no conscience and money hungry. The Gene is quite obviously inherited and sadly for everyone else, unable to be eliminated in their DNA. The most unfortunate fact is that, these scumbags are drawn into the sectors of occupation, that is tailor made for their underhanded dealings and worse still is, they are pretty good at it, compounded by the gift of the gab. They are the only people who can hide behind a Corkscrew.
May 20, 10:27pm
I know a mech who had an auto fully reconed only to find it was the ECU at fault . Never told the customer , just got ECU fixed & put it into the rebuild cost . I read pages of bill for the rangie I bought , talk about padded - "remove & service ECU - replace drivers $ 318 " " replace 8 inlet &4 exhaust valves @ $65 each " Since when did inlet valves ever need replacing not even in old days of leaded petrol . Then $ $4800 to replace camshaft . They sure stroked him & this was 2004 no wonder he wanted to sell it hed had enough of huge bills
Jan 20, 4:01am
Yeah zeph, I remember serving him a few times before '04 as well. when he was on the coast & came over to Chch to buy bits etc. Took a few suppliers for a ride way back then as well.
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