I have had the cambelt in my 1995 Daihatsu Mira replaced, and now, at about 95 km/hr the steering wheel and dash area starts vibrating and contents of govebox start rattling. This was not happening prior to replacement. Is this a normal 'run in' phenomena, or is something out of alignment or faulty?
Oct 4, 3:33pm
Does it do it at the same rpm but at a lower speed?
Oct 4, 3:33pm
Have your wheels balanced. Check that your wheel nuts are tight first. Urgently.
Oct 4, 3:37pm
Check that none of your tyres have been swapped out with worn replacements that have not been rebalanced. Not all workshop owners, nor their associates are completely honest. May also be a loose crankshaft pulley.
Oct 4, 3:38pm
Drive at 95, shift gear to neutral and let engine go to idle.
If vibration continues check front wheels for balance.
I dont know the layout of the Dihatsu, but it is not uncommon for a front wheel needing to be removed to gain access to the lower end of the cam belt.
The wheel may not have been replaced properly, or may have lost a balance weight during removal/storage/replacement.
Oct 4, 3:40pm
Unless the front engine mount was disturbed during the belt job it seems unlikely the two things are related, you would notice other things not right like clunking or vibration when moving forward after reversing, and vibration say when engaging the clutch in first gear with the handbrake up, which loads the mounts up. You are just going to have to get it double checked, if that doesn't reveal anything that problem is VERY symptomatic of inner CV joint wear creeping in, or maybe something as simple as a wheel balance weight that's fallen off.
Oct 4, 4:17pm
Thanks for all the great help guys. I will start looking at the things you suggest.
Mar 25, 7:27pm
I think the engine mount might have been disturbed, check with mechanic if they had to remove or loosen the mount.
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