Law around tampering with another person car.

wind.turbine, Jan 8, 2:20am
A friend of mine is having problems with someone that they know writing all over their car in the dust.
this happens all the time and has also caused me problems in the past as well.

does anyone know what the law around this is?

andrewcg53, Jan 8, 2:27am
Yep wash your car as there is no law to stop people writing in the dust, if they enter your property issue a trespass notice to them, you don't need a reason and lasts for 2 yrs.

wind.turbine, Jan 8, 2:33am
yea problem is that it always happens in town. and know who it is as they write their name in it.

Thing is though, is that it does cause damage as it scratches the paint.
stupid thing is that her farther is a cop!

differentthings, Jan 8, 2:34am
There could be. It might come under the graffiti bit of the law. There was a case were a guy got done for tagging a wall with a water blaster. He claimed he was cleaning it, but still got done for tagging.

andrewcg53, Jan 8, 2:40am
Scratches are not in the paint but the clear coat and jif will remove them just apply to the area with a damp cloth , dose the same job as a light cutting compound

wind.turbine, Jan 8, 2:46am
thanks for that but trying to find a permanent solution to the problem.
if it happens to me which I think is likely then I will take it to the cops to see if they can do anything about it, but at this stage was just wondering if there was any law against it.

pettal, Jan 8, 2:52am
If it's the same person all the time doing it = harassment .

tub4, Jan 8, 2:54am
wilful damage? but I don't think the police would go far with it and may make the person writing on your car pay for a cut n polish

2get1, Jan 8, 2:56am
technically, its unlawfully interfering with a motor vehicle, in lay speak, basically the ingrediants being, its not their car,they have no permission to touch the car in any way shape or form, they have no legal justification for doing so.

threaten them with a complaint to police for unlawfully intereferring with a motor vehicle. that is the specific offence anyone commits when they touch or otherwise someone elses car without their permission.

skull, Jan 8, 3:12am
I think the first hurdle you have is proof that the culprit is who you say they are. Just because it says "Kilroy was here" doesn't mean Kilroy wrote it.

saxman99, Jan 8, 3:12am
People who I catch touching my car soon find out what happens. Law be damned.

carstauranga001, Jan 8, 3:27am
Years ago a co worker had a problem with someone. He told the person to stop or that persons car would have battery acid poured over it in the night thus stripping the paint. The problem went away.

sr2, Jan 8, 4:01am
I can't believe this thread!

(Aren't we supposed to be talking about cars?).

curlcrown, Jan 8, 3:31pm
If you whoo it is why don't you tell her to stop?

wind.turbine, Jan 8, 5:15pm
several people have had words with her about it, she had a bad habit of flipping my door magnets around until it caught her out as one flew off because she did not have it flat, only found out later after she admitted to it as I lost it on the way home.
she hasn't don't it for a while but I have been told she is back to her old tricks.

kazbanz, Jan 8, 5:56pm
My thought for a solution would be to wash the car

wind.turbine, Jan 8, 5:59pm
haha yea problem with traveling over gravel roads nearly every day!

I might just go have a word with the local cop and see what he says about it

elect70, Feb 28, 8:17pm
Yes there is a law its called your own , smack him in the face