shite ? Remember first nissan's were crap and they changed their name to datsun - what motor did they copy to be able to return back to their original name ? (Trivia time)
Apr 13, 9:10pm
Apr 13, 9:22pm
That is far to quick for a virtual chocolate fish - what particular model even though they prob just a slight expansion on one another ?
Apr 14, 12:21am
they copied the BMC B series motor, and called it the J-series. They were fitted to some utes and the first datsun bluebird.
Apr 14, 12:53am
Post war the Japanese had a trade deal with BMC to build the Austin A40 Farina & Devon cars in Japan.
Things progressed from there
Apr 14, 1:33am
those a12 motors are brilliant,, far better than the old pommie bangers.
Apr 14, 1:39am
The a12 was a development of the copied engine, not the copy itself. But you aren't wrong that the a12 motors are brilliant.
Apr 14, 2:23am
Is it just coincidence that a cg13de has very similar external dimensions as a transverse A series? Or that both are available in 1000cc and 1275cc? Genuine question as I have heard argument for and against.
Apr 14, 2:23am
Gone up a bit here - Currently fitting an A15 to a MG Midget :)
Oh - there was a Jap car maker called DAT, adsorbed by Nissan. You can work out the rest :)
Apr 14, 2:27am
You bastard
Apr 14, 2:33am
Destroying a beautiful car with a jap motor. Mine has a 1275 with a lynn rodgers head for a good 95hp.
Apr 14, 2:38am
how is it destroyed? An A15 probably wont drop as much oil as the BMC 1275, while still having a nice crackle and improved driveability and reliability.
Apr 14, 2:45am
The mid 60s 6cyl Datsun was a Merc Benz copy, albeit a bad smokey one.
Apr 14, 2:49am
Neither would an LS2 , doesn't make it right
Apr 14, 2:50am
You guys seem to know more about it than me lolloll Morri 1000 I was told years ago ? Old Nissan salesman said the same.
Does it really matter if you put a nissan motor in a morri ? Are numbered parts a big deal - prices still low ? Just whack a wee british anchor in when you sell - buy a valve grinding kit to chuck in with the sale.
Apr 14, 2:56am
So a Standard 10 engine bored and stroked to within an inch of its life is a thing of beauty? Let alone the rubber bumpers and 4 speed box.
Apr 14, 3:00am
My morry has a datsun engine, theres some pics if you click on my username, its a nice fit, only need to put a scallop in the front crossmember which is about a 2 hour job to do it nicely.
Apr 14, 3:04am
Yes - that is great conversion, a wee bit more room to do it than in a Midget.
Apr 14, 3:05am
and Mitsi came from Routes eg hillman / humber of course with nissan etc when built they were modified
and the old Toyota land cruiser were based on the chev straight 6 i think the 235cu engine which again i think were called the blue flame motor
Apr 14, 3:09am
Its almost true that every ohv engine owes something somewhere to the stove bolt 6
Mar 13, 11:11am
You wouldn't like my Midget much then. Mine still an English engine though.
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