If your in such a hurry jump on a motorbike, then you only have to deal with the shite, arrogant, angry kiwi drivers.
Nov 20, 3:45pm
Prove it.
Quite rich coming from a Thames inhabitant.
When we chastised our then Thames based daughter for some rotten parking - across 2 spaces - she said no worries, that is how they all park in Thames.
Nov 20, 4:30pm
And what if the person says "I'm not going to drive so don't need that"? Unless you change the law to make it compulsory and that you cant buy or rent a car without the validation then it is a null argument.
Nov 20, 4:41pm
Have ya ever seen 1 of them Gagiva 's
Nov 20, 4:42pm
Are ya saving that motorcycle for good .
Nov 20, 5:02pm
Of course it would need a law change, compulsory requirement, for overseas licences. Prove you can drive or take the bus. Kind of my point. I would accecpt that if I was traveling. We should have them at the licence testing stations too. Every 10 years for under 60 year olds, every 5 years for over. I think 90% of us would be fine and pass no worries, but it could well mean 5% need "retraining" or defencive driving course, and the remaining 5%. bus pass.
Fixing the roads wont solve all our problems, but sorting out our attitudes towards driving will certainly help, this could be a start in my opinion, force people to upskill, learn the road code inside out and obviously better enforcment of the rules. At least until the robots take over. lol
Nov 21, 1:13am
yes, that leaves all the road deaths down to 20-50 age group. now if we did not isssue them with a license we could really cut the road toll
Nov 21, 1:21am
Set them up also and make Kiwi drivers be tested on them every 10 years before their licence is renewed . Probably be suprised how many would fail ! One of the biggest sector of failure rates in tests was people going for their PSV driving test !
Nov 21, 3:17am
Ten? Have you ever seen the queues at any international airport?
I don't hear too much from Europe, where they drive on the right, moaning about the millions of Brit tourists (who normally drive on the left)?
Maybe every kiwi renting a car overseas should be forced to attach a large sticker and a NZ flag, to warn the locals. Ah, but wait a minute, the criminals and under age car thieves wouldn't be renting cars overseas, so scrub that.
From what I read on here, decent Kiwi drivers don't seem to have any problems driving in the UK and many seem to quite enjoy the experience. See post #15, which appears to be a typical response.
Nov 21, 4:16am
The temerity of these tourists! Holding up really, really important people and delaying the completion of their life or death mission.
Nov 21, 4:56am
You follow these idiots threw the lewis pass with nowhere to pass at 60kmh max speed,with people doing mad acts to get past these f@##$kwits and see how you like it.
Nov 21, 5:32am
Thing that bothers Hubby the most about this is it shows incompetant driving. And also people wasting your time are not to be easily forgiven he says as time is a 'one off' once it's gone its gone forever and you don't get it back.
Nov 21, 7:14am
20 simulators then, taking into account not everyone needs to be tested, only "new" people, so thats tourists who intend to drive, and immigrants. The queues wont matter, its in the arrival area, and some of them could be deferred to another place on another day, they just cant drive until they have been validated, there are probably simple solutions to any argument against it really. It would keep everyone happy, there could be no prejudice toward anyone, as all people would be given the same test. Tourists would be given a fair chance to prove they can drive so it shouldnt affect that industry. Kiwis will be happy, knowing the tourists and immigrants have atleast had some type of driving skill test on arrival.
Kiwi drivers being tested on a simulator as part of the 10/5 year driving re-test, it will help filter out the unskilled ones for further assessment and evaluation with a human driving training and assement. Truck drivers would have a more intensive test on a truck specific tester.
Win, win as I see it. The tec. we have nowdays, cars can drive without us, so the tec. is there for us to be simulator tested, just like a pilot.
Nov 21, 8:35am
and you normal unobstructed speed would be?
Nov 21, 10:06am
It still doesnt change the fact that too many Kiwis are crap drivers.
Nov 21, 12:33pm
#38 quite happy sitting at 90 /95 usually sit behind a truck /trailer going threw there at nite,and if a dink in a Highlander on wrong side of the road,he unfortunately for truck driver hits him rather than me,had two close calls lastime ,since these muppets started getting back on the road.I have cut my cornering speeds down now because of the propensity of these retards not to keep left as far as practicable as per road code.
Nov 21, 12:46pm
Kiwi tourists from the North Island on holiday or business in the South Island do rent cars too.
Nov 21, 2:41pm
Was told today that a repair shop in the US fitted a new door mirror to a self driver, and it went off down the road and crashed.
Apparently if anything is disconnected, they have to be placed in a special room so they can re-calculate the systems.
Someone didn't know this, and didn't think to RTFM.
Nov 21, 2:43pm
There are always safe places to pass. Too bad that sheep have been trained to not do so at more than the posted speed limit, so that the line never progresses past the obstruction. Lines are formed not by the obstruction but by the people that refuse to pass.
Nov 21, 2:51pm
Reminds me of an old quote that someone taught their kids.
"It's number 2, who starts the queue, YAH! BOO! to number 2"
Often, that same person also tailgates the slow vehicle in front, so even when there is a brief, safe passing opportunity that number 3 could easily use, they can't because number 2 doesn't leave space.
If I was faced with that on a regular basis, I'd be fitting a dash cam and being a nuisance to the authorities. We'd turn into a nation a of Victor Meldrews - but maybe it would be more effective than a non-proactive police force.
Nov 22, 1:20am
oh dear, other people want to use the road at the same time as you poor precious
Nov 22, 1:48am
Your attitude doesn't excuse the poor driving habits of someone who's holding up other traffic. There's ALWAYS somewhere to pull over - IF the driver has bothered to check their mirror occasionally and IF they aren't so bloody arrogant that they just don't give a damn or IF they're not so stupid or ignorant as to not even comprehend that holding up other traffic is bad driving !
Nov 22, 3:21am
and if you learned manners and cooled down, maybe left a little earlier you would not need a police escort. everyone does not have to get out of your way because you cannot manage your time
Nov 22, 4:45am
Explain what you mean by a "Typical Response" I have driven thousands of miles on British roads and motorists over there are far more courteous and dare i say it, skilled than motorists here.and the police are more numerous than NZ .Kindly explain what is "Typical" about my statement and what your solution is.
Nov 22, 4:55am
what percentage of road traffic accidents involve tourists? What percentage of deaths in road traffic accidents are caused by tourists? engage brain and sort out the BIG problem instead of the standard kiwi 'it is all caused by someone else' blame
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