Synthetic oil or normal

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gunpk, Aug 15, 9:53am
Hi, I have a 05 Honda Odyssey and was just wondering if it uses normal oil or synthetic oil?
I'm getting it serviced next week and the mechanic says it'll cost extra is I use synthetic oil but I have no idea which oil the previous mechanic used.

marte, Aug 15, 12:27pm
Go synthetic

clark20, Aug 15, 12:28pm
Just use a good mineral oil like Castrol, and change it on scheduled times

gpg58, Aug 15, 12:47pm
I think using good stuff (of correct spec), is cheap engine insurance.
Always full synthetic for me, but do wonder if magnatec( part synthetic ) would do for some, even for navara now warranty gone - (Castrol MAGNATEC Diesel, dpf compatible). Castrol Oil type finder

tamarillo, Aug 15, 1:03pm
Magnatec 10-40 part synthetic personally. It's not a turbo or such. If you find evidence it's been getting synthetic then stick to it. But it doesn't need it and I'd doubt been getting it. Workshop will have their own brew

monsieurl, Aug 15, 1:53pm
A newer vehicle like yours i'd go full synthetic or very least semi, full is better for your engine and you wont need to change it for at least 7500-10000kms with a new filter.

serf407, Aug 15, 3:11pm

mrcat1, Aug 15, 6:18pm
Depends totally which Navara you have, some need a 5w-30 Low SAPS oil and my one needs a ACEA C4 spec oil.
Be very careful just using an oil because YOU think its good stuff, you need to make sure the Spec of it is right including the viscosity for the vehicle its going into.

gpg58, Aug 15, 6:34pm
Yes, after posting edit then finding my model in list, no product is listed, and it does say Refer to Dealer or Castrol Technical Department 0800 10 40 60 and also "If NOT fitted with DPF, use CASTROL MAGNATEC 10W-40 or MAGNATEC DIESEL 15W-40"

Yet the containers claim fine for MOST dpf, i guess not for ours though. ( 2013 d40 rx) Oh well, will stick to having to buy 20 liter drums of correct oil from allied

ianalice1, Aug 16, 5:22am
We gota 99 Oddy and love here and we been using synthetic for 5-6 year or so.
We was going through about liter or so between changed and changed synthetic and now well under a 1/2.
We found a great place that does mainly oil changes & fluids and they been good.
We get a full service, with synthetic, for just under the $110 mark and only takes about 10 minutes or so.
They have 1 guy underneath & 2 up-top, so great service.
Not sure if I'm allowed to say who they are, as they are nation wide?

ceebee2, Aug 16, 4:53pm
I service those Hondas with semi-synthetic oil and no issues. I also change the oil at 10k depending on how the customers uses the vehicle.

stevo2, Aug 17, 12:53am
Is this the Full Service you speak of?

ianalice1, Aug 17, 4:29am
Thats true, was wasn't sure if OK to post it.
Been good to us, the Tauranga one.

rovercitroen, Aug 17, 6:44am
The Oil Changers in Te Rapa, Hamilton is very good too. The guys seem to know their stuff and ensure they use the right oils for the application.

monsieurl, Aug 17, 2:32pm
What kind of Honda filter are 10k Recommended?

stevo2, Aug 17, 2:40pm
Its a service but I wouldnt call it a "Full Service" by any means.
However it is cheap.

david_270, Aug 18, 2:29pm
Funny how people think an oil change is a "full service".

electromic, Aug 18, 3:01pm
+1 BUT an oil/filter and fluid top up is better than no service.
Full service on my atenza cost me $557 (trade) in parts and 2 hours of my labour.
OP, I would use synthetic in your engine if it was mine.

mrcat1, Aug 18, 3:10pm
Really ? In a 12 year old vehicle and the oil specs now will be better than back then so any mineral oil is going to be way above the oil spec of 12 years ago.

bwg11, Aug 18, 3:17pm
Absolutely. I wouldn't use a "bargain" $15 4 litre pack of 10-40 from Pac'nSave, but any quality oil like Magnatec would be more than good enough for a 12 year old Oddy.

gunpk, Aug 18, 4:34pm
I got it serviced. I was told they used Mobil 10w40 semi-synthetic. Don't know if that's supposed to be good or not

tamarillo, Aug 18, 4:47pm
Yes perfect. It's 12 years old tech and doesn't need full synthetic. I'd only use full synthetic if it had been always getting it, and if it had you'd expect a sticker at least.

newtec1, Aug 19, 5:12am
Wow,a full service with a threesome.

frank80, Aug 24, 7:43am
This is a good site for independent grading of most engine oils and the "condemned additives".
Many pages but worth the read.

next-to-normal, Aug 25, 8:30am
i use ZIC oil in my diesel 15/40, can buy it on trademe and online,it was cheap as full syn oil goes they were doing free post too