The fuel pipeline

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gsimpson, Sep 18, 9:13am
They won't dump it. It will be recycled or used as a fuel in a system not too fussy like a boiler.

gamefisher, Sep 18, 10:54am
Surprisingly little mixing happens when a transfer 'pig' is use and I suspect it jambed at that damage and the refinery up the pressure to move it and blew a hole at the damage. Digger driven and farmer must be very worried.

johotech, Sep 18, 11:29am
Labour was warned about the potential for this exact scenario, as early as 2005.

Apparently it was thought to be uneconomical to provide redundancy for the pipeline.

I'm not sure why there isn't a string of tankers going from the refinery to the airport though?

However, A 777-300ER holds 145,000kg of fuel, so I guess that's about 3 full tankers worth?

nice_lady, Sep 18, 11:42am
Considerably more. 1Kg of JetA1 = 1.25 litres approx, (dependant on temperature and consequent density).

Your 145,000Kg of fuel is approx 181,250 Litres. The JetA1 tankers Hubby accepts fuel from carry 34,000 L. so you're talking about 6 Tankers to fill the 777-300ER from empty.

richardmayes, Sep 18, 11:48am
My first car insurance policy provided $3000 cover for my car and something like $20 million personal liability for 3rd party damage. I always assumed it was so that you were covered if you drove into an oil refinery. ?

kazbanz, Sep 18, 11:54am
Jet fuel is the only real concern right now. a navy tanker is heading up to pick up a load of diesel and bringing it down. Tanker trucks are already in service heading from marsdon point and Tauranga to the Wiri terminal.
I strongly suspect that air operations now they have a solid week with limited fuel are scrambling to find solutions. including refuelling at alternate airports.

johotech, Sep 18, 11:57am

stevo2, Sep 18, 12:07pm
Stink, we fly out on the 28th.

saxman99, Sep 18, 12:48pm
Should be OK mate, really the worst that should happen is an extra stop.

lookoutas, Sep 18, 12:51pm
I was told years ago that the section of mixed fuel is 5/8 of FA. Coz it was years ago is a good reason why I can't remember, but it was something like a few meters.
As morri said, jet engines can run on anything that ignites. A helicopter pilot rang me one day. "Help - there's no Jet A1 at the airstrip, I need some diesel to get home!" And that's exactly what we did.

richardmayes, Sep 18, 12:55pm
Presumably departing long haul flights ex AKL would have to have a pit stop in CHC to fuel up. ?

daves, Sep 18, 1:19pm
It's interesting that, this morning Judith Collins said that aviation was too volatile to transport in tankers, yet now they are going to use tankers to transport aviation fuel from Marsden to Wiri.

Doesn't look like the Minister of Energy and Resources knows much about the things she should.

thejazzpianoma, Sep 18, 1:23pm
Collins is probably half the problem, stupid stupid woman, all she knows how to do is grandstand. Seems to jump from government department to government department leaving a trail of destruction behind her.

I say this as a predominantly National supporter.

mrcat1, Sep 18, 3:22pm
JetA1 is only kerosene.

mrcat1, Sep 18, 3:26pm
Its only kerosene, she wouldn't know the difference between a container of diesel or JetA1 if she was staring at them both.

mrcat1, Sep 18, 3:28pm
When they are pumping off the ships in Tauranga they were using a slug of water between the products, and when the water comes thru they then change the valving and separate it out.

snoopy221, Sep 18, 3:30pm
Amazing ain't it stick some steel in the ground in the 80's and one day it goes all pear shaped. lol
And the ole nat gas pipeline stuffed in the ground in the 70's did exactly the same in 2011.
And crikey. anything done in the 80's to AUCKLAND.
Um well how many planes were there in the 80's compared to now?
Not like anyone could have seen this as something that was still going to be keeping up with demand and in mint condition in 2017 with auckland growing like it has.

lookoutas, Sep 18, 6:14pm
But certain tossers think it's gunna go boom more than other fuels coz it fires a jet engine.
Hey - I (and a few others) could tell the boffins how to fix phosphate run-off, but a couple of massive Co's would need to shut their doors. So that won't happen.

mrcat1, Sep 19, 2:14am
Years ago it was possible to buy blue Pennant kerosene from a bowser at the local service station for all the kerosene home heaters that had a big glass bottle in them, I can remember going with my father to the garage to fill up the bottles as a young kid.

nice_lady, Sep 19, 2:17am
From that article:

"It would take about eight truckloads to fill one plane on a long haul flight. The volume involved in long haul flights is immense."

nice_lady, Sep 19, 2:19am
Well then she was wrong. JetA1 is LESS volatile than petrol by a fair margin. And yet Avgas is MORE volatile than petrol. Both are transported by tanker.

purplegoat, Sep 19, 2:43am
Geez there's a lot of misinformed commentary on here by self appointed know it alls . do you really think the refinery would be allowed to push multiple products down the same pipeline if ther was ANY chance of product contamination . It's all pushed down the pipeline at high pressure which means very little product mixing at the interface . It's all computerised and monitored on control screens . As a new product gets near to Wiri terminal the incoming pipe diverts to a slops tank briefly before it goes to the correct tank for the grade of product
Those slops are then blended during tanker loading at some microscopic percentage into the petrol . . Some coastal terminals ship the slops back to The refinery via coastal tanker for reprocessing but most blend it
And all aviation products have extensive sampling and lab testing at all stages of the journey from refinery to plane

poppy62, Sep 19, 3:58am
Well the rush is on. People filling up their cars, several stations in Pukekohe out of 98/95 already.

nice_lady, Sep 19, 4:15am
Nah that was because the servos didn't order those fuel grades they went for their most in demand grades 91 and diesel. Consequently the 95/98 has not been replenished so it's run out at a few stations.

purple666, Sep 19, 7:58am
Can't believe there wasn't a contingency plan in place for this very thing.