Man 'appalled' after $30k BMW 'thrashed'

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framtech, Sep 8, 8:20pm
Its about time the car manufacturers supplied two keys with cars, one for the owner and one that is de-tuned to give to parking jocks, your wife and your teen age son, The only company I know that does this is Dodge that supples a red fob and a black de-tuned fob. Im not talking about Jap clones and people movers, i'm talking about real cars. I know the car was only worth 30k but the issue with that video is the driver using full throttle and basically screwing the snot out of it. No way would I ever let some else drive my cars, end of story

whqqsh, Sep 9, 12:37am
good grief, I've posted on here many times how those cars usually aren't parked in the lovely fenced area you leave it in. I run my dogs in the Stonefields out the back of Airport Oaks & there are several paddocks full of cars that once the owner is out of sight these cars get driven to & are parked on wet grass & security is a single wire fence with a farm gate (if you're lucky). The road leading to them is open road (100kph) so 74kph is quite reserved IMO,174.7850907,3a,75y,265.52h,66.87t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sB9uG3YMTvXYvPFFuWDJzDQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656

nice_lady, Sep 9, 1:13am
I am insured and If that scenario happened I'm sure they'd have lots of chance of moving a hundred or two hundred cars - yeah right. As for 'there has to be a little trust in the world' - you didn't see the Fair Go article(s) about these situations ? The ones in the paper either ? Trust ? NO !

3tomany, Sep 9, 4:31am
I am the opposite. Took my 400hp falcon to a motel in auckland and when the valet guy jumped in i said to him don't be scared to give it some jandal or take another lap around the block. I sat outside to listen to the flowmaster exhaust howling but he just puddled around the block to get to the parking. I was very disappointed not to hear it echoing through auckland.

toenail, Sep 9, 5:29am
well it's park and fly, the guy with the beard was certainly trying to make the car fly, but unfortunately bmw x5's are too bloated and heavy to achieve lift off.

3tomany, Sep 9, 4:52pm
Just watched it another couple of times. That guy did not thrash that car at all. Yea he gave it the jandal but if you think that is thrashing a car it is time to buy a prius.

meow_mix, Sep 9, 6:18pm
I used to work for a labour hire company in Auckland, they gave me some work at the ports driving brand new cars off boats and parking them in carparks. Among the many Mondeos, Pulsars etc there were some serious performance cars. I got into an Audi S4 and enjoyed thrashing it up and down the road before I parked it. The fastest car was one of those big Benzes like an S Class but with the low roof and the supercharged V8, it was the quickest car I have ever driven. If we got caught thrashing the cars we got a little warning but were allowed to carry on. Others I thrashed were a supercharged Mini, a VW Touareg V10 (I was worried all the torque would break the gearbox), a convertable Porsche, and I tried to thrash a BMW M5 V10 but the traction control kicked in to stop the wheels spinning. It was a great experience to drive these cars and get a taste of the good life.

rsr72, Sep 9, 7:30pm
I ordered a brand new car from overseas years ago, and I didn't get delivery of it for many weeks after the ship arrived because a maniac parking it on the wharf blew the gearbox to pieces by thrashing it in reverse on the wharf.- it was so new there were no parts in the country.

trogedon, Sep 11, 1:32pm
If you have "NO !" in anyone you might as well not call yourself part of the human race.

nice_lady, Sep 11, 1:58pm
Come off it. I'm not stupid. You tell me why I should trust a company which has already been in the media on several occasions with their staff driving customers cars when they shouldn't be ? And then the company denying any wrong doing - even when evidence shows them up ?

Trust ? In those circumstances ? If you are crazy enough you go for it. See if I care if they thrash your car and then deny it.

trogedon, Sep 11, 4:04pm
nice_lady wrote:
Come off it. I'm not stupid.

That's debatable. ALL companies make mistakes / abuse privileges / learn from mistakes. Does that mean sensible don't compromise and trust any of them? No (imho).

nice_lady, Sep 11, 4:34pm
Funny. That particular company is STILL getting caught out, and not for the first time. Or the 2Nd or. and this over several years. Never mind you go ahead and use em I sure won't.

I won't, for those reasons use a company that wants my keys
I dont have to and I will 'vote with my wallet '.

trogedon, Sep 11, 4:41pm
I won't, for those reasons use a company that wants my keys

That's mean you won't leave your car and "keys" with a mechanic to service your car either. You're being Illogical.

nice_lady, Sep 12, 3:20am
Whatever. The reference here is to 'park and fly' and similar companies, some of whom have been caught out being very naughty with customers cars, and then gone on to deny all wrong doing even when the evidence has been irrefutable. This is quite a different thing to taking your car to your local garage who you go to because they have a good reputation. Doh.

flack88, Sep 12, 3:42am
Mechanics have traditionally thrashed fast cars back in the day,the cameras make it harder nowdays,the chimp in the bmw was oblivious to the camera.Trust no one these days cause they don't give a F. k

bryshaw, Sep 12, 7:03am
If this is the park n fly that was on Fair Go a few years back, then I am surprised they are still going. Leaving excrement in the back of a customer's car and then denying any knowledge is disgusting. There is a possible reason and that is the Islam workers were not happy with the sexuality of the car owners.

trogedon, Sep 13, 1:07pm
"Whatever." = you lack the ability to type you're wrong.

nice_lady, Sep 13, 2:31pm
Look you haven't managed to convince me to use park'n'fly. But you knock yourself out.

lusty9, Sep 13, 4:49pm
Whether the owner is petty or not, his perception of it been thrashed may somewhat be different to others because it's not their car. Had it been my car I would've went back to the yard and kicked that worker in the head with steel cap boots and then say: Oh it wasn't a kick to the head he quickly ducked down onto my steel cap boot as I was doing a football kick motion.

whqqsh, Sep 13, 5:12pm
According to the article it was driven from one lot to another AND was dirty, this lines up exactly what I said in post #30, where I posted a map link to probably the very road to these alternative storage yards which is on 100kph roads then parking in a grass paddock & seeing the weather we've had would be pretty muddy too

meow_mix, Sep 13, 5:17pm
I had some work done on my Legacy RS twin turbo by a panelbeater in Wellington. When I picked the car up there were huge gash marks on the original Momo steering wheel and leather gear knob. I was too nice to say anything but later it clicked, one of the workers there had put on some driver's gloves and taken my car for a serious spin around the block. Thankfully I have replaced the steering wheel and gear knob with new ones.

nice_lady, Sep 24, 8:52am
Repeating yourself doesn't make your statement true.