Ford courier ABS light

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mudguts2, Aug 24, 6:30am
They searched all through the ute but couldnt find it. Not sure how to sort it. will check wires.
And have to do some phone calls today. thanks

budgel, Aug 24, 9:14am
Jazz, that is the same site as I linked in my post.

thejazzpianoma, Aug 24, 3:20pm
Sorry I never clicked your link!
Well spotted.

supernova2, Aug 24, 4:56pm
UN Series Mazda B models have a connector in the engine bay apparently. I've never looked for one.

mudguts2, Sep 3, 3:48am
All sorted, The previous owner has actually taken the whole airbag fitting out hence the airbag light not working. Abs needs a sensor. Took to an auto electrician and the plug is actually under the bonnet.
Not sure how this boy got a warrant when he sold it to us as should never have passed. Maybe being a mechanic someone did him a favour.

budgel, Sep 3, 6:46am
I am surprised about the airbag, my 2004 doesnt have any!

mudguts2, Oct 7, 12:07pm
I got the year wrong its actually a 2006