Dangerous and inconsiderate driving

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purplegoat, Sep 20, 5:38am
I don't see anybody blaming the 4WD's for the poor decision making by the ute driver . I have simply been highlighting the inconsiderate and illegal behaviour of those twats

sr2, Sep 20, 6:17am
Well said, I couldn't agree with you more.

ema1, Sep 20, 6:44am
The only twat here is the ute driver that decided to chance his arm because obviously of his impatience.
The 4WD vehicles were driving at what I'd consider to be an appropriate speed for that road and the conditions at the time, plus the numerous trucks that drive on the West Coast.
Since when was it illegal to drive to the conditions as they obviously were doing?
Like I said earlier if there's the likelihood of slower traffic up ahead in those conditions I would be slowing too or even pulling off the road if able rather than going to the wrong side of the road particularly on a narrow road with a bend coming up plus in the rain as was the case shown, the ute driver had insufficient clear view to safely overtake, don't forget if the conditions are such it's prudent to stay on your side of the road and be as safe as you can, no matter what's going on ahead of you . period !
You seem to be displaying road rage by apportioning blame on vehicles traveling slower than the twat ute driver was prepared to drive at.
Are you always like this if there's any vehicle in front that isn't traveling at speeds you consider they "SHOULD" in your mind they should be driving at, or in a manner that suits your every whim !
Remember driving safely is a skill lots don't have much idea of, it's as easy as keeping a decent distance between you and likely trouble rather than rushing headlong into a situation and involving yourself and whoever is unlucky enough to get caught up in any possible crash scenario.
Blaming everyone else as a reason the ute driver doing what he did is in a couple of words "Bloody Foolhardy." FULL STOP.
A good driver is supposed to some up ALL possible scenario's and being prepared to react correctly/prudently when driving not going out blaming every one else if he indeed is the only one at fault, pity this happens far to often in this country of idiot drivers.

mrfxit, Sep 20, 7:24am
Hate to think what your reaction would have been if it was 5 Ambulances driving slow.
Or 5 tractors
Or 5 motorbikes

All in that same situation

frytime, Sep 20, 10:24am
When in 4wd or new utes drive as people expect -like a twit.
Is that ute just a touch sideways at about 6 seconds?

ema1, Sep 20, 10:28am
I'd be wondering the same thing myself mrfxit.
With me same applies don't go forcing the issue as you could well come off 2nd best.
Patience is a virtue. particularly true when driving along with a cool level headed common sense thinking.

purplegoat, Sep 20, 10:53am
Oh FFS they are not the same situation .

ambulances have a legitimate reason for on occasions going slower and when they do they generally drive with consideration for other road users
tractors by virtue of there design will travel slower than other traffic and agin will generally drive with consideration for other road users

Unlike the twats in the 4WD's who were going slower , not leaving adequate space for others to pass and basically didn't give a toss about other road users .

I note again your comprehension is lacking as nowhere have i " had a reaction " to them going slowly
It's the fact they are going slower without any consideration to other traffic that may wish to go quicker than them

henderson_guy, Sep 20, 10:54am

loose.unit8, Sep 20, 10:58am
All of the above still have the legal obligation to allow faster traffic to pass

mrfxit, Sep 20, 11:01am
Correct But only when SAFE to do so, (which also includes road & environmental factors)

That part is also in the regulations

stevo2, Sep 20, 12:40pm
4Wd owners were driving slow and perhaps holding up traffic but the ute driver was a knob and performed an unsafe overtaking maneuver.
2 wrongs dont make a right.

zak410, Sep 20, 1:02pm
When I tow I look in my rear mirror a lot.

I think the 4x4 driver must have seen the ute passing in his mirror and IMO should just have put his foot up to make more space. better than getting all exited about it.

purplegoat, Sep 20, 2:23pm
Or better still leave an adequate gap at all times . as the road code requires

bumfacingdown, Sep 20, 2:42pm
Who went to the wrong side of the road, that is who caused this

ema1, Sep 20, 2:51pm
Exactly if no one went to the wrong side of the road and it wasn't recorded or even if it was recorded which could show nothing untoward, then none of this thread would be relevant at all . full stop . end of !

purplegoat, Sep 20, 3:10pm
I thought you had better comprehension than that bum ,
Nowhere have I said the twats in the 4WD's caused the dangerous situation that developed . What I have said is they are inconsiderate twats who need to learn to show consideration to other road users and read the road code

purplegoat, Sep 20, 3:12pm
Yes it would be veery relevant , because regardless of if the ute had or hadn't carried out this passing manoeuvre the 4WD's were still being inconsiderate twats showing no consideration to other motorists

bumfacingdown, Sep 20, 3:18pm
Nothing wrong with my comprehension, your interpretation of the event is that the 4x4 driver were being inconsiderate.
My contention is the ute driver was being dangerous and at fault

johotech, Sep 20, 3:22pm
Or both.

ema1, Sep 20, 3:24pm
I went back and had another good look at that video, and before the overtaking ute comes into view those 4WD vehicles appear to be quite well spaced to me, even when the ute did pull in front of the vehicle with the video there was still at least 2-3 vehicle lengths between the ute and the camera vehicle, plus IMO they were traveling at a reasonable speed considering the conditions and uphill to did you notice.

ema1, Sep 20, 3:45pm
I went back and had another good look at that video, and before the overtaking ute comes into view those 4WD vehicles appear to be quite well spaced to me, even when the ute did pull in front of the vehicle with the video camera there was still at least 2-3 vehicle lengths between the ute and the camera vehicle, plus IMO they were traveling at a reasonable speed considering the conditions and uphill too did you notice.
Frankly your rant and calling the 4WD drivers twats is UNFOUNDED .
What do you expect for spacing 200+metres or what, they had at least 80 to 90metres as it was, plus the 4WD just ahead in video looks like it's towing a trailer load of gear, which would require slower driving speed to be safe anyway.
On a dead straight road ( with plenty of vision ahead) that spacing wouldn't have been much of an issue as it doesn't appear to be here, it's the idiot ute driver combined with rain , narrow road with a left hand bend leading to a brow plus a tanker bearing down hill on them that the ute driver must have seen coming over the brow of the hill/bend as the road bend at that brow could be clearly seen.
Impatience by ute driver was the main and only issue here which could have turned into a nasty quite possibly fatal crash, whatever spacing between the 4WD vehicles would amount to SFA if the tanker got out of control hitting/or attempting avoiding that ute.
Twats be buggered. I'm afraid you would appear to be out on your own on this one pretty much, but you can continue your rant and show your righteousness if you like that's your prerogative frankly I couldn't care less, I know what I saw on that video and all seemed above board until that idiot ute driver appeared, I hope the law caught up with him, the other thing I sure as hell wouldn't have liked to have been driving that tanker !
You find it so easy and quick to apportion blame, are you the same on the road as you appear to be on here?
I hope not, it also seems you don't make mistakes . or admit to them !

purplegoat, Sep 20, 4:05pm
ema1 your comprehension is sadly lacking
you write long winded rants that are totally irrelevant to the thread topic and flip flop more than taxcinda
I started this thread to highlight the inconsiderate driving by the 4WD's and you somehow seem to have twisted it into something completely different and put words in my mouth
Given I have spent several years responsible for driver training for a large fleet of DG vehicles for a global company with the highest standards in the world I think I'm qualified to talk about considerate and courteous driving
I have a cloud based dashcam front , rear and inside my vehicle with audio and clock up close to 90K per annum so have seen pretty much every type of inconsiderate driving and dangerous driving . Footage from my dashcam is regularly used in our driver training sessions

snoopy221, Sep 20, 4:12pm
Took this long aye.


snoopy221, Sep 20, 4:12pm
Aboot time someone

snoopy221, Sep 20, 4:12pm
Own Goal