Dangerous and inconsiderate driving

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ema1, Sep 20, 4:13pm
Why don't you go take a flying leap you prize jerk, I know what I saw and it's obvious you are in fantasy land spoiling for a fight.
This one you won't win because you'll fall right into that gigantic chip on your shoulder.
Ignorance is bliss in your case and it's so damn obvious it's laughable.
You say flip flopping where in hell in your warped mind did you detect that you unfortunate arguementive clown.
I can see it know you would pick a fight with your shadow, what an unfortunate situation you find yourself in. I applaud your DG whatever qualifications you say you have, that's as maybe but you are making a storm in a teacup regarding the 4WD drivers and the spacing etc did you not notice in the item script that one was being towed as well, I suppose that's twat activity too. I'm afraid Im going by what I saw in that video which is the exact same one you would have viewed.
The spacing I saw looked fine to me. I'm not putting works into your mouth what a load of B.S. you just accuse folks with what suits you it appears and this thread isn't the only case of your abrasive utterings either far from it. touch of NAZI there what a prize argumentive individual you are.
I'm finished with TWATS like you and that fits way better than it does to the 4WD guys in that video.

snoopy221, Sep 20, 4:15pm
Own Goal

So towing a trailer mr
Speed limit is?

Took this long aye.
goat shootin.

snoopy221, Sep 20, 4:16pm
ema if ya was in dat tanker and juss knew ya were lining up a hil.

mrfxit, Sep 20, 4:20pm
It's a "purplegoat specialty" group he belongs to.
Thankfully not many members

ema1, Sep 20, 4:28pm
Got that in one, he's a hopeless case frankly. an egotistical always right no matter what . good job there are only a few of them. he's just a plain straight out nasty piece of work who thinks he's god because he might have qualifications etc but that often tends to give certain folks swollen heads and it obvious as hell here for sure. Argumentive, twisting twat is all he is . period, argues for the sheer hell of it. so damn boring it's not worth conversing with those sorts of people.

mrfxit, Sep 20, 4:28pm
From there on, you carried on with constant . >
Name calling.
Personal attacks
Blindness to visual facts
Fought against just about every other TM member (approx 98% of members in this thread).
No one cares that You started this thread.
What they care about is that you are holding on to a single stick of straw, in a paddock of hay.

purplegoat, Sep 20, 4:28pm
snoopy dog . put the bottle down , go read the road code and you might just be able to answer ya own question

purplegoat, Sep 20, 4:31pm
and ema1 you are farken hilarious . anger management issues much . lol
your and fixit man are a good combo with ya ramblings down all sorts of rabbit holes that are irrelevant , you reply to something I say and go off on intelligible ramblings

hkjoe, Sep 20, 4:31pm
If you consider 3 car lengths a safe distance, (say 13m), that is the recommended distance for 50km/h to be two seconds away from the car in front. If you are travelling that distance away for a vehicle at 100km/h and they brake suddenly you will hit them.

Sorry mrfixit, in re-reading this thread, I've just realised you were being facetious in suggesting 3 cars length as a safe distance.

mrfxit, Sep 20, 4:32pm
& it continues . >>>>>

snoopy221, Sep 20, 4:35pm
Own Goal-And Kicks for conversion.

purplegoat, Sep 20, 4:35pm
don't use facts . The emasnoopit fan club are incapable of dealing in logical facts. lol

ema1, Sep 20, 4:36pm
God you are a pompous pious Twat, you better climb off your high horse and go to a Spec Savers place and get new specs so you can see what was ACTUALLY in that video. nah that's beneath your dignity or arrogance level . the latter I reckon fits best.
Your arrogance is like a bright light right now, someone flick off the switch please.
What a nasty piece of work. you make a lot of assumptions about a lot of folks don't you. who on hell do you think you are eh. GOD.
Not to me you aren't !

purplegoat, Sep 20, 4:36pm
well done snoopdog . ya obviously learnt a new phrase at school today

snoopy221, Sep 20, 4:37pm
hey need a map?
Ya seem to be lost in the motoring section where mechanics are that fix things.

ema1, Sep 20, 4:38pm
What's happening goat you running out of ideas . is that all you can come up with, poor man . give him a pill quick!

hkjoe, Sep 20, 4:43pm
See my edit.
Imagine if all posters on this thread were driving in convoy and the manner in which they are commenting on here. Crash, bang smash!
(my post is in good humour and for entertainment only)

ema1, Sep 20, 4:43pm
Goat's on the hill don't appear to use there eyes either.
4WD vehicle spacing was fine to me and all others that saw it . all except you.
It's simple you just wanted to make dust in the wet. FAIL. sorry.
If there was only one 4WD in that video no doub't you'd have that doing something wrong too. you poor excuse for a sod. real goats have more clues than you appear to have.

mrfxit, Sep 20, 4:46pm
It's getting close but in no way can be called "tail gating".
We have no idea if the lead vehicle had slowed a bit just prior to the video clip, therefor closing the gap.
Neither do we know if they had been like that for any given length of time.
We also have no idea on who was doing the towing apart from it wasn't in front of the video vehicle.
There is no accurate measurement of their speed apart from a comparative relationship to the surroundings.
We Do know they were approaching the base of a clearly visible hill ON a bend which has a habit of slightly slowing older (& far heavier) vehicles (never mind that one 4x4 was towing another 4x4), then modern cars.

What we do know is that the ute appeared at a comparatively high speed, with a rapidly approaching oil tanker & had to rapidly slot in between 2 vehicles, which included emergency braking to reduce his speed .

Narrow road
Grass verges
Dim lighting
Close to the base of a hill.
And a corner at the base of that close by hill.

It would appear that the gap between the 4x4's was sufficient to allow the ute to slot in at a comparatively high speed AND brake in time to avoid hitting the next vehicle.

Just as well there was enough gap!

snoopy221, Sep 20, 4:49pm
We await
Someone to hazard a guess as to Just what the
Plumbing World ute is?

ema1, Sep 20, 4:50pm
You obviously didn't see my posts way earlier on fella I said that I prefer to pull over if safe to do so and let them all go and I mentioned that I like a lot of space around me as well.
OK then I have approx 4million kms of HT driving under my belt accident free and a lot of it on not the easiest roads but then hey what the hell does that mean . SFA to some folks obviously, and hkjoe, I'm very safety conscious always have been I'll have you know. thank you !

philltauranga, Sep 20, 4:52pm
Imiagine if all the posters in here were riding in a cycle race in a convoy, and being totally inconsiderate and not letting other traffic pass safely, Noddy would condone it because it was "legal".


snoopy221, Sep 20, 4:56pm

ema1, Sep 20, 5:01pm
You just lash out when you feel like it and go on about ramblings etc for gods sake your posts are basically turning into obnoxious retorts and show a total arrogant side in your posts, frankly you aren't worth having an intelligent transaction, you talk about rabbit holes and such like sounds like you are confusing everything in your fairy tale mind.
You find it so easy to get folks backs up with your displays of utter arrogance, once you get something set in your goat brain it's impossible to move or agree.
Well then Mr GOAT you and your sort aren't worth an honest red hot fart from normal folks on here, I hope you have enough happy pills or sedatives there , shite you need a truck load to quell the storms that seem to be going on in your head right now. cherrio hypocrite.

sadmuddle, Sep 20, 5:03pm
The Plumbing World driver will face charges for this effort