Dangerous and inconsiderate driving

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purplegoat, Sep 20, 2:26am
It's also the law to allow adequate following distance and if you are not planning to pass the vehicle in front you must allow enough space for vehicles to overtake you . it's all spelled out in big bold writing at the bottom of the attached link . that can be done safely at all times ! . It's clear the knobs in the 4WD's were not doing that .


mrfxit, Sep 20, 2:31am
Pretty sure thats not considered "tailgating" by any reasonable person including the police.
As the ute slipped in to the gap, there was enough room for him Plus nearly a car length either end.
How can that be called "tailgating"

bumfacingdown, Sep 20, 2:38am
Especially as they were traveling so slow, that would have been well past legal sized gap

mrfxit, Sep 20, 2:39am
Going by the markers on the road as each vehicle passed it AND using the video's own timer, theres at least 2 seconds between them.
Road speed would suggest between approx 70kph & 80kph.

There were TWO other vehicles in front of the 4x4 that the ute pulled in front of, & apparently another TWO behind, 1 of which was being TOWING.
We have no idea on what the vehicle spacing was before that incident
Wet narrow road still raining on a dark day
Towing another vehicle.

The 4x4's were under the speed limit & following each other at a modest distance between each other.

If the Ute had waited for a better spot, none of this would have happened.
NOTHING to report, NOTHING to video, NOTHING to comment on.

If there had been a crash, The DRIVER of the ute would have been held 100% responsible with no blame for anybody else.

mrfxit, Sep 20, 2:48am
Tailgating at open road speeds would be an approximation of barely being able to (or not) see the following cars headlights in your rear view mirror
Eg: 1 car length.
2 car lengths could easily be considered following too close & 3 car lengths would be ok but not fantastic, depending on the speed.
Everybody keeps harping on about how "slow" the 4x4s were traveling which indicates the 3 car gap to have been a reasonable to good distance

If they were "tailgating", there wouldn't have been room for the ute to slot in with room to spare.

purplegoat, Sep 20, 2:53am
Mrfixit , suggest you read the road code and stop digging ya self a big hole
The road code states FOUR seconds following distance when the road is wet and leave enough room between you and the vehicle ahead for vehicles to safely pass you . neither of those things are happening in the video
As I have said this thread is about the inconsiderate driving of the twats in the 4WD's

mrfxit, Sep 20, 2:53am
Regardless of the speed or following distance, it must be checked & CONFIRMED to be SAFE to pass BEFORE you attempt the maneuver.

The ute driver clearly screwed up.

No miss judgement on the pass = no near miss = no hassles = no argument of who's in the wrong.

mrfxit, Sep 20, 2:55am
The 4x4's didn't do a dang thing.
They were just minding their own business towing a mate home.

Regardless of the speed or following distance, it must be checked & CONFIRMED to be SAFE to pass BEFORE you attempt the maneuver.

The ute driver clearly screwed up.

No miss judgement on the pass = no near miss = no hassles = no argument of who's in the wrong.

mrfxit, Sep 20, 3:06am
Why does it matter about what the 4x4's were doing or not doing.
The ute driver screwed up.
The 4x4 drivers were not being unreasonable considering the overall conditions.

The ute driver made a very bad judgement call & came very close to killing everybody.
No one else is to blame for his stupidity.

bumfacingdown, Sep 20, 3:15am
Yeah, they need a sarcasm icon on here

bumfacingdown, Sep 20, 3:16am
But those inconsiderate twats were going slow(according to you) so the gap is appropriately less.
Who was on the wrong side of the road?
That is who caused the potential danger

mrfxit, Sep 20, 3:30am
Before passing, always ask yourself 'is it really necessary to pass?' Don't pass just because you are feeling impatient with the car in front – that's often when crashes happen.

If you do decide to pass, follow the rules shown below.

Before you pass:

make sure you will be able to see at least 100 metres of clear road ahead of you once you have finished passing - if not, don't pass

purplegoat, Sep 20, 3:41am
Are you serious ? . please hand your license in and start catching the bus
The 4WD's were being inconsiderate twats and not complying with the road code requirement to leave 4 seconds gap in wet conditions and leave enough gap for following vehicles to pass safely
It's the typical " sod everybody else " attitude so prevelant on our roads
Unfortunately as all the self righteous holier than thou keyboard warriors rush to condemn the ute driver ( whom as I say in post 1 is a tool ) they conveniently overlook the illegal and inconsiderate driving by the twats in the 4WD's

whqqsh, Jan 12, 7:03am
nah, 90 on the open road is quite common these days & I get frustrated too but not only that the ute made the decision pass there, he decided not to wait for a decent straight. I travel on the open road often & very seldom do cars travel (either as an organised group or individuals) with a larger gap than shown in that video. Blaming others for their own stupid decisions is a typical modern way of thinking leading to poorer levels of driving skill & understanding