rim12, Nov 2, 1:03pm
2004 Honda Fit 1.3 engine cvt trans,has started shuddering changing gears. what sort of oil should i use and what additive if any can i put in cvt. car is White if that helps and has done about 80,000kms.

joanie04, Nov 2, 1:19pm
Have you had the CVT serviced at all?

intrade, Nov 2, 1:20pm
yu want to see professional advise soonest. .
Hmm i recall you constantly have problems. Do you buy shite cars or do you get morons to service them? if i recall you had a rexton last march with problems?

rim12, Nov 2, 1:45pm
trans has not been serviced as far as i know.

gabbysnana, Nov 2, 1:57pm
Cost us $1300 to fix that, saw the parts that came out, munted and degraded. Been all good since.

curlcrown, Nov 2, 1:59pm
it can be fixed for 0.25% of that price.

a.woodrow, Nov 3, 4:11am
Yep fix is pretty much summed up in this thread. OP, the CVT really needs to be serviced at 40k intervals, have a read through this link and use additive at same time

peanuts37, Nov 3, 7:00am
Early Honda CVTs used a start clutch which caused the shudder if not serviced, later CVTs I think used a normal torque converter which solved most problems. Still have to be serviced like most things.

atom.ant, Nov 3, 7:44am
Good luck fixing the problem for $3.25c

kazbanz, Nov 3, 8:36am
Rim those specific CVT gearboxes are known for that issue.
if the shudder is just starting then a worthwhile thing to try is to take it to a gearbox specialist.
They will change the transmission oil,Put an additive in the oil and do a reset of the computer. Cost to you will be about $600
Unfortunately you haven't done yourself any favours by not servicing the transmission at 60000km as required by Honda.

kevymtnz, Nov 3, 9:30am
fluid not oil and should have been done at 50k

tgray, Nov 3, 9:43am
Many dealers simply pour in an additive and it works 95% of the time.
Total cost $40

gsimpson, Nov 3, 10:01am
Oil is a fluid isn't it?

kingfisher21, Nov 3, 11:05am
Quote from CVT.CO.NZ

This CVT Transmission is used in several small Honda vehicles like Jazz,Logo,Civic, and more.
It is a very reliable tranmsmission and has 1 common problem which is ' Shudders when taking of"
This is caused by contamination of the oil and not using the right CVT oil and the main cause is Lack of maintenance.

We recommend to change the oil every 40.000 km and it is very important to use original Honda CVT oil.
Never use any additives for to solve the shudder because it will make it only worse after a kopple of months
which means you are up for a big repair bill.

tgray, Nov 3, 11:28am
If that were true, dealers would be getting a lot of come backs. That's not happening.

rim12, Nov 3, 1:55pm
what is the additive they use?

bumfacingdown, Nov 3, 3:41pm
Did intrade write that?

curlcrown, Nov 3, 3:52pm
I was out by a factor of ten. 2.5%

len_f, Dec 8, 11:42am
Same problem same car buy a tube of zado from a honda dealership I put a tube in today and shudder has gone one tube can last for 40000km .The best way to use it is to change the cvt fluid and put in one whole tube of zado and be patient it can take up to 900km to work fully.But you should begin to feel a difference after 100 km.It;s $60 a tube good luck