Is gull fuel any

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appleman71, Jul 3, 5:18pm

thejazzpianoma, Jul 3, 5:22pm
Put it this way. The company has sent threatening lawyers letters to posters on here who pointed out the disadvantages of their product. Likewise they got prosecuted for trying to dodge 16 million dollars in tax (look it up) by doping their fuel.

thejazzpianoma, Jul 3, 5:22pm
Also, what car/engine do you have and what grade fuel did you have in mind?

serf407, Jul 3, 5:37pm
Read the msds sheets, that is all a purchaser has to go, on unless you know people who work in car/ vehicle workshops.
Most fuels could vary shipment to shipment a little depending on source etc.
Some of the racing/ rally cars go quite well on the Gull E85 if they are set up for it? (race/ rally formula)

clark20, Jul 3, 5:54pm
My opinion is I do not like it at all, I prefer BP, then Z.

solarboy, Jul 3, 6:31pm
I've used nothing else in my cars (diesel and petrol), generators and chainsaws since they opened in Masterton years ago ( except for $20 Caltex when I couldn't find Taurangas's Gull - that got me back to Rotorua Gull where I filled up). Everything runs fine on it, no problems, economy is fine and they're invarably cheapest, have regular 10c/l discount days and hand out discount vouchers as well ($5 off on $50 purchase, $3 on $30 purchase). It doesn't deteriorate in storage either as I discovered when a gene. tankful lasted for over 3 years of brief intermittant uses and 2 stroke mix was fine too when I've mixed more than I immediately needed and used it over months afterwards. I'm currently using it in 2 cars that I've had for 10 years plus. Disclaimer : No, I don't have shares in Gull and I'm not be paid or otherwise rewarded for promoting their fuel.

s_nz, Jul 3, 7:40pm
Yeah, It's fine. It meets at the same standards as the other petrol stations.

Gull has their own supply chain so all their fuel will come from the mega refineries in south east asia, and none from marsden point.

The second part of what Jazz is talking about is where gull blended slops into their fuel (all petrol companies blend slops into fuel, is is accepted practice), but interpreted the rules as such that they didn't pay tax on this. The government disagreed with their stance.

Note that gulls "91" product is all petrol, and their "diesel" product is all diesel, but their "98" "Gull force 10" product is 90% petrol, and 10% ethanol (internationally called E10).

Gull force 10 should not be used in cars more than 15 years old, or marine applications. It should be noted that it has about 3% less energy content than petrol (but is better for the environment). Ethanol fuel can cause issues in old cars with incomparable hoses in their fuel system, and it can be more corrosive for a fuel system that is not designed for it (modern cars are). It is recommended your first tank on E10 be a full one so any water it soaked up is diluted by the ethanol.

whqqsh, Jul 4, 1:23am
In my old Telstar ute I used Gull exclusively & week after week got 360-380 kms from a full tank. If Id done more motorway driving than usual I'd top 400 but that was about it. Driving past the Mobil one day noticed a special price same as Gull so I topped up there & to my surprise got 420kms for that week yet had done mainly around town/suburban type driving. Tried again with same result & subsequent weeks got 420-450 consistently. haven't been back since

mrfxit, Jul 4, 1:58am
Never had any issues with Gull fuels.
My van hates Waitomo Diesel but is fine on all the other brands.
Never had any problems with other vehicles on the other brands.

budgel, Jul 4, 4:12am
My Brother has a supercharged Jaguar and uses nothing but Gull. He reckons it's great for it!

mojo49, Jul 4, 11:42am
Gull 91 now is the same product as other NZ made 91s. They buy from Marsden Point via Mobil and the same trucks deliver to both brand stations. As above the 98 is imported and 10% Enthanol =E10. Just checked Gull pumps yesterday to confirm. No difference in economy over 5 vehicles to Caltex 91, the other "brand" I use in them, plus a bit of GAS=BP. 10 years ago I got 10% less economy on the imported Gull 91 cf Marsden Pt 91 but now no difference.

thejazzpianoma, Jul 4, 11:51am
Good post!
Have they dropped their bio diesel blend?
Just like to add that it isn't cut and dry at 15 years old for being E10 compatible. Still quite a number of newer cars that shouldn't run on it. This is one of the things that made me quite angry was the lack of notification and also clear guidelines. Just blanket ones and to hell with anyone who didn't fit that.
Also small engines that get ruined with it. Have a conversation with any small engine repairer and you will see what I am talking about. This is also particularly annoying as Gull bought up lots of "only show in town" rural suppliers such as where I live. Also high octane is always the best option for storing fuel for small engines so their 91 is not a great option for many as well.
Good post though.

intrade, Jul 4, 11:53am
short answer is no good.
91 you can use if your desperatre as one off. The ethanol crap will damage most cars and the diesel should be ok if it dont has bio-crap added.

delerium1, Jul 4, 1:10pm
Wow really? I always avoided them due to the ethanol. But letters due to forum posts is a bit extreme

s_nz, Jul 4, 1:32pm

Sorry, I was unaware they do biodiesel blends, just looked up their website. it is sold under the "Diesel Max" Brand, and available at "Gull Albany, Gull Kingsland, Gull Sel Peacock, Gull Te Ngae and Gull Melville", and to some fleet customer like Birkenhead Transport.

I should have put small engines on my list.

mrcat1, Jul 4, 1:52pm
Anyone will send you letters if your defaming them publicly on a forum board with no fact or substance to your claims.

thejazzpianoma, Jul 4, 1:54pm
I love how you automatically assume no substance and defamation.

mrcat1, Jul 4, 2:10pm
Well they certainly wouldn't be wasting their time sending you lawyers letters if you were praising them would they now?
You have been slagging Gull off for as long as I can remember so if the boot fits, wear it!

mrcat1, Jul 4, 2:15pm
Ethanol is hygroscopic, and if you read the Gull information they include a anti corrosion additive in the fuel.

socram, Jul 4, 2:18pm
Some good posts above. As we don't have any vehicles running on 91 - that rules that out anyway!

With more vehicles older than 15 years, that also rules out the 98.

The Gull diesel, I asked about when we bought the vehicle and they didn't seem too keen on it, so sadly, we haven't even tried it. I have always preferred to have vehicles run on the same brand for consistency of tuning purposes, but rightly or wrongly, I believe that the modern computer controlled technology probably adjusts to suit.

Trying to compare 1 tankful against another is somewhat inexact as there are far too many variables given ever changing traffic and weather conditions. As we get a 30c/l discount once a month on BP, we stick to that.

thejazzpianoma, Jul 4, 2:19pm
Entertaining as always. BTW I wasn't the only one.

esky-tastic, Jul 4, 2:27pm
And yet again: I wouldn’t use it in old classics etc unless your fuel system can handle ethanol.

Ethanol is hard on older rubber components and alloy castings.

skull, Jul 4, 3:17pm
It may have been an extreme forum post, I've not seen it so it may not have been here.

tsjcf, Jul 4, 3:46pm
Sounds like someone making claims they could not backup as per normal.

bumfacingdown, Jul 4, 3:48pm
Or was it because the posters were talking crap about their product.