Getting car back on the road,

gallee, Aug 13, 4:03am
Car is currently unwarranted unregistered and uninsured. What needs to be done first . thanks for your help.

mrfxit, Aug 13, 4:19am
Depends if the rego is on hold/ exemption or not.
If yes = easy as wof/ pay licence
If not = whole different story

socram, Aug 13, 4:41am
Yup. If the registration has totally lapsed, (ie not on hold or nothing done for the last two years), it will need re-compliancing. Can of expensive worms.

Other than that, WoF then rego. Insurance is optional so not relevant.

intrade, Aug 13, 5:34am
ok insurance you only need if you have a accident that you caused as a must.
So i hope you have it on hold the registration for 12 month.
Thats the first thing you need to have done or do soonest.

msigg, Aug 13, 12:22pm
Get a warrant of fitness first. Then registration, then if you want you can get insurance.

budgel, Oct 26, 6:14am
Do the same as you would for the other car you posted about!