I read that this morning. Very sad indeed. Whys that dude carrying a knife anyway. Thats what I dont get.
Jan 27, 2:55pm
Stokes Valley.
Jan 27, 2:57pm
gutless p.o.sthat's why.
Jan 27, 3:04pm
More like violent murderous bastard.
They don't carry knives because they are gutless. They carry them to inflict severe violence upon others.
Jan 27, 3:16pm
Strange how the family are always so quick to defend them.
"The woman said her son was a "good boy" who wanted to be a police officer."
"He's my baby. It's just not like him, it's not like him at all."
My father and then my mother would deny I was their son, then try to kill me themselves. If that failed, my whole family would ostracise me as well.
Future police officers don't carry knives and kill someone at the slightest offence. Granted something happened beforehand, but he obviously has anger management issues and I'm glad he didn't make it to officer training, let alone be in the force. No one deserves to die like that.
Jan 27, 3:21pm
I feel sorry for that poor bastard trying to save him. In a way you would be thinking what if I did something different it would haunt you!
Jan 27, 3:24pm
Same scenario with the youth that raped the wee girl in Turangi. All these bleeding-heart parents who defend their arse-wipe kids AFTER the event, but don't seem to have raised them to be kind to other people beforehand. They are anti-social, aggressive and seem to think the world has done them some real injustice. The comment by the attacker is indicative of the kind of douche-bag we are dealing with. "That's what you get for f. with me". All I can say is that guy is going to have some very dark energy around him for the rest of his life.
Jan 27, 3:34pm
I always enjoy those after the police have to shoot a dirtbag - get the tearful "mother" of said dirtbag on Campbell Live crying about how he was a good boy and the Police acted too harshly etc.
Jan 27, 3:37pm
That's the point, no "I'm so sorry for the victim", it's me me me me me. They have to defend themselves and every last vestige of respect they may have.
Jan 27, 3:39pm
That's why I put "mother" in quote marks. :)
Jan 27, 4:43pm
A friend of mine carries a knife - a Swiss army knife. Even though he??
Jan 27, 5:28pm
Exactly. It's just not worth the agro.
Jan 28, 2:47am
There is no such thing as a "justice" system.its a "legal" system Look at the police person that shot that guy the other week.thers 2 inquiries happening.they will probably be relocated (and there family) for there own safety.name change etc.For doing there job! Wouldn't surprise me if they get charged (the police) for GBH or attempted murder.That young D$@K head should be strung up and left to the Buzzards."the dude was driving bad so i stabbed him"! Dear o dear,whats this place coming to!
Jan 28, 2:54am
Well said, carryingplain kitchen knifes is utter dumb. Going on the basis on article they mentioned a wooden handle, I carry a henchman multi purpose pocket knife with tools on it as well but only because they are so versatile and have a use for anything.
Jan 28, 2:58am
They were probably on P . So wet bus ticket coming again.
Jan 28, 4:13pm
someone tried to road rage me before christmas, i strongly suspect he was on P. it sure didn't go the way he planed when i got out of me vehicle he ran away so fast he left his jandles behind.
Jan 28, 4:35pm
the road rage kid probably grew up playing Grand Theft Auto, and that's just what you do. isn't it!
Jan 28, 4:39pm
Two handed themselves in and they are still looking for two. That's not road rage.That's a gang mentality attack.
Jan 28, 5:14pm
The perp wanted to be a police officer!.thank christ that didn't eventuate unfortunately to the demise of someone else.
Jan 28, 6:17pm
The NZ Police is full of animals just like him that just haven't gone quite that far.
Jan 28, 9:10pm
Delete your stupid comment.
Jan 28, 10:31pm
NZ probably has the most respectful police force in the world. There is a reason why they pick on deadbeats like yourself.
Jan 28, 10:43pm
Very very inappropiate. Yes you always get the odd bad one but to refer them as animals is apalling.
Jan 29, 12:21am
Get stuffed, fools. Just because you like to rrrslick around them doesn't mean I have to.
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