You all know the government makes new laws like your not allowed to make a fire with no pirmit outside. They also passed the law to hunt down everyone who might have cheated road-user charges with no warrents to police to search your car for tempering divises. calculating like taxman how mutch distance you drive and come and visit you etc. thats what this new passed law includes.
Jan 21, 3:05pm
Now to the story. A client went for a wof with his Diesel the odometer was not readable. Dont want to explain or know why it was non readable. So I got him another odometer. He now got a letter in the mail that he is overdue 30,000km on road-user chage. How do they know he is overdue if the odometer is not readable.!Immagin what will happen if the wof guy puts wrong numbers of your odometer reading in the system. Are cops with handcuffs at your door the next day! is that what we can look forward to in this country now!
Jan 21, 3:09pm
PS ;he has not gone back with the new odometer as the work is not finished we got to do a balljoint on other side and the brake pads before he can go back with the new odometer. That reads even more then what they claim he is overdue but they never seen the new odometer.
Jan 21, 3:35pm
If you have nothing to hide you have nothing to fear.
Oh, wait. You just gave a perfect example of why that philosophy is a load of bollocks.
Jan 21, 3:57pm
A few years ago, a brother was that. He replaced a speedo with lower reading then the original & he got told by the (then LTSA) to simply drive it till the ruc's & speedo matched again & then buy more rucs. Got around 20,000 km's for free.
Mmmmm *** Whats happened in your case is they have calculated what the approximate reading would be per year based on past ruc purchases & wof recorded km's, along with the length of time it's been registered for the road. If it had been reg on hold for a few months/ year or so within that time, then you could easily argue their calculations were out
Jan 21, 4:01pm
When replacing a speedo on a diesel. the km's need to match the same or slightly more then the beginning of the current ruc ticket & also oftenin direct relation to the last recorded wof reading to avoid the above hassle. YOU should have already known about that problem & how to avoid it.
Jan 21, 4:20pm
mrfxit you dont seem to understand what i wrote. The wof has no way to know what the reading is or was as the odometer numbers are not readable when he went for a wof. wof sheet said so remedy odometer . He also would have not done mutch km from wof to wof ever since he got the vehicle so there is no inconsistency. And he got a secound(petrol-powerd) car to explain why he hardly cloked up any miles. all these years. It seems they just sucked a figure out of there fingers .
Jan 21, 5:26pm
I'm just guessing here but one would assume there would be some kind of appeal process he could go through. But relies on the person considering the appeal being fair and reasonable and, being a government department, there's a good likelihood they won't be either of those things.
Jan 21, 5:28pm
But there would be a history before that and it's the last few readings they'd have extrapolated the figure from. Bad luck if it'd gone from being a rural commercial delivery vehicle to weekend use only.
If you carjam it you'll see there's a "Estimated current odometer reading:". They probably used that.
Jan 21, 5:44pm
Maybe if every 2nd diesel didnt have a switch on it they wouldnt have to clamp down. Did they think no one would cotton on! Fraud is fraud no matter which way you look at wether you agreee or disagree with the charges. No different than the pay clerk taking 1 cent out of everyones wages (very clever that) or an accountant fiddling the books. When ya get caught dont complain.
Jan 21, 5:54pm
Lets see if I can make sense of what you have wrote.
***** Faulty odometer with wof confirmed previous readings Replacement odometer with unconfirmed higher reading No current wof issued with new odometer **** Questions are .
#1: How many wof's has the vehicle been through with the faulty odometer #2: How many of those wofs have the same or VERY similar odometer reading & how many of those readings have been noted as suspect #3: How long has the vehicle been without a wof #4: Could the previous odometer wof readings be >compared / calculated/associated < with the currently demanded shortfall.
Jan 21, 6:03pm
The Ruc demand would have been calculated on the past history of previous wof readings plus time span between the last wof reading & this wof inspection.
The only clean & safe way to replace a diesel odometer is to take BOTH odometer's to an instrument repair shop along with the rego number & get the new odometer reset to a reasonable approximate reading based on the above info. This alteration would also carry a valid legal certificate with it & because the reading would be "reasonably" close to the correct figure, wouldn't attract attention from the wof /ruc system
This is (again) very likely what the ruc demand has been based on. *** What the new unconfirmed odometer reads is Irrelevant & beside the point.
Jan 21, 11:27pm
To stop all the problems and to reduce the complyance costs diesel should be taxed at the pumps. End of story.
Jan 21, 11:32pm
What's that! You want to avoid the very point as to whether the owner of the vehicle is dishonest or not while you have your little rant about the govt being a big brother bully!
Jan 22, 12:28am!plate=Rg1591 thats the car he has got another petrol corolla that he mostly drives i assume. I do not know if he cheated road user or not it is non of my business but its constant since years doing a few hundred km only , probably uses it to pull the boat up from the beach and thats it is my assumtion He siad he let somone borrow the car and they damaged the spedometer so you could not read any numbers
Jan 22, 12:31am
all i want to know why my client gets a demand of 30.000km road user overdue when the odometer was damaged and the wof place could not read it no more. maybe they just entered some figure in to there system!thats the only explenation i get as to why a letter for demand of overdue ruc has arrived as they clearly could not know what the milage was now.
Jan 22, 12:40am
you can see when the switch was installed!
Jan 22, 1:11am
Na, those 2 odd ball average amounts on the right don't tally up with the recorded kms on the left. Recorded KM's are pretty steady apart from 1 spot of no usage for 6 months
Jan 22, 1:25am
How long has it being broken for! maybe they are just guessing how many kms he has to pay from the sort of kms that were traveled before it stopped moving.
Jan 22, 2:19am
how the hell do you damage a spedometer so you cant read the numbers !
Jan 22, 2:27am
someone i know had a rental truck from t.r group (truck rental group) while his was off the road for a few weeks after being involved in a accident. the hubbo on the rental failed so was replaced, a few weeks later he got a estimated account of what he had not paid based on the ruc used on the rental 2 years ago! every time a hubbo is replaced they try to charge you for something. i have had several such accounts over the years an have not paid 1 cent extra to them.
Jan 22, 2:57am
ok thanks for that . info.
Jan 22, 3:17am
NZTA are cunning beggars. Sometimes they put out these sort of invoices under these circumstances in the hope that they can trap you into admitting and giving them cast iron proof that you have done some extra kms e.g while you are defending against their fake 30,000 km allegation you prove to them that instead you were only 10,000km over. If your friend is legitimately innocent, dispute it and if necessary take it to disputes tribunal and/or court.
Jan 22, 3:20am
Boats and agricultural equipment that runs the country runs on diesel. That's a no go
It's not the end of the world a few people slip through, most are honest, it's easier to be that way and you can stamp enforcement on everyone. At the end of the day the government gets filthy filthy rich off it, you have say 5% cheat the system, you're still filthy rich. You stamp out 5%, you're still filthy rich. See where I'm going with this!
It doesn't matter.
Jan 22, 3:34am
I can kinda see why they would be suspicious about the kilometers that it has been doing, hasn't really being doing many kms since 2000 till now. Maybe it was flagged as dodgywhen it went for a wof! Then they looked at the km it has been doing and they decided 30,000 was how many it should have ruffly being doing over the years, I'd ring them tomorrow and see what the go is. Like it is said above every second diesel vehicle has a switch and they are starting to clamp down, I guess he has to try and prove that he hasn't being playing the system.
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