Road Bike Servicing

nick91111, Jan 28, 9:00pm
Is it worth paying to get my bike (2006 GN250) serviced! I can do most things myself, just short on time and lack of proper tools etc at my house. What would you expect roughly to pay for a service/ what work to be carried out, or recommend! I have been told to keep checking the valve clearances as they can be a problem, but I don't have feeler guages etc. Cheers

tonyrockyhorror, Jan 28, 9:51pm
The tools to do the job are cheap.

Either buy the tools and do it yourself (I presume you know how) or take it to a mechanic and pay him to do it.

As for is it worth it. that depends on how important reliability and durability are to you. They're a pretty basic donk so they'll run even miles out of tune. But if your clearances are out etc. there are consequences.

m16d, Jan 28, 10:03pm
If you do it yourself, you'll know its done right.

kazbanz, Nov 13, 7:49am
Nick--servicing a ginny is ALMOST the easiest engine I could think of to service.
Youll need a couple of litres of oil. an oil filtera spark plug,a set of feeler gauges, the factory tool kit and maybee 2 small spanners.
REALLY easy to set the valves.-Important you do or youll end up wearing out the lobes