I'm travelling up to Wellington on sunday to pick up a vehicle and am unsure if it will have enough k's to get me home. Is anyone open on a sunday to top up RUCs!
Jan 19, 2:16am
call it stating the obvious but how about buying them before Sunday then you are covered
Jan 19, 2:19am
Yes, very obvious haha. I won't be in town until sunday, thats all. Could I do them online and take the print off receipt with me just in case! That should be enough.
Jan 19, 2:21am
Wow. Dont even stress about it. Talk about law abiding. Live a little mate, cross the road against the red, cruise at 103, you know.relax.
Jan 19, 2:22am
Yup, you can buy them online, and you print out a RUC label which is valid for a limited time, I think it may be 2 weeks from memory
Jan 19, 2:23am
Printing the receipt won't get you off if caught without RUC's, they need to be displayed on your vehicle.
Jan 19, 2:26am
how many mms from you to wellington! how many mms does it have left! generally there is 500km leeway that you can be over.
Jan 19, 2:33am
No ,not true, we have an RUC account, drivers buy on phone, a copy is faxed and valid for 7 days until label arrives in post.
Jan 19, 2:33am
Agree with bigjerry! Pay on line, print out the receipt, stuff it in the glovebox and forget all about it.The only way anyone would ever know would be if you were stopped and they checked your odo against the sticker. Chances of that, given their normal workload, is zip. To my horrror, I found that I was well over, two days ago.Paid for 15,000kms at $670.So, if anyone thinks I am going to sit and twiddle my thumbs until NZ Post deigns to put in an appearance, they have another think coming.
Jan 19, 2:43am
Agreed & done that as well
On the sad side. motorway patrol tonight had someone 19,500kms over their ruc ticket. Cost them $2200 plus updated rucs
Jan 19, 2:46am
500km's will in most cases be ignored but with a warning Think it this way . average domestic yearly km's between 10,000km's & 15,000kms . Whats 500km's compared to how long it takes to get 10,000km's. It's reasonably easy to go 500km's over, but 19,5000km's !
Jan 19, 2:46am
been there too.
Jan 19, 1:21pm
Ask any long haul driver or logger if they actually display the label on the vehicle.
Jan 19, 2:12pm
Some Caltex garages sell RUC,s
Jan 19, 2:13pm
Why would,nt we, it,s illegal not too
Jan 19, 2:17pm
What I normally do is just pay online so that I can use my visa to purchase it, then, if I am over, just go to a nz post shop, quote my licence number and they print out a new ruc label for me then and there. It's free. No waiting for it to arrive in the mail. I do the same thing with licence fees.
Jan 19, 2:21pm
Usually because of dirt/damage with regard to trailers, and convenience for the tractor. Most I've encountered carry it all on a clipboard - far more convenient for the Police as well. Maybe you're an exception! Maybe the guys I know are the exceptions.anyway the point is no cop is going to ticket for failure to display if you have proof of purchase and aren't doing anything else wrong.No doubt if you ARE doing something else, it would get added to the list.
Jan 19, 4:20pm
In a basic nutshell . YEP ;-)
Jan 19, 4:35pm
Um! phone someone up at the other end and ask the how many K,s are left! If there are not enough buy some more before you go. Th info you will need is make,model and reg owner!
Jan 19, 4:37pm
#1- Make a stand for democracy against thievery - ignore it.
Jan 19, 5:48pm
Or OP could get the seller to top the milage up (since they have all the legal info at their disposal) and then pay them back when he arrives to pick it up.
Jan 19, 6:49pm
I renew my Rego and RUC on line and they send out the labels never get around to putting them in the vehicle (in wallet usually) if anyone really wants to check they are in the system as current all that really matters I can't see me getting a ticket for not displaying anytime soon.
Jan 19, 7:31pm
I believe the big BP Connect on the corner of Wakefield and Taranaki st does RUCs
Jan 19, 8:54pm
Meter wardens CAN do you for that (if they are awake). simple failing to display ticket
Oct 8, 11:19am
But if the sticker is out of date, the meter wardens can't really ticket you with an electronic odo!
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