I have been rejected a WOF on a 1936 Morris 8 as the mechanic said the tyres are perished. I showed my tyre guy and he said it looks ok to him and the car doesn't go over 60km/hr very often. I looked up the VTNZ site but I understood that severely perished would be an opinion. Any thoughts on this?
Jul 23, 3:23pm
well if they are made of real rubber from a rubber tree like probably burt monroes ones where. Then they could be ok. Problem is modern tyer are desintigrating after 6 years onwards . How old are they?
Jul 23, 4:49pm
Not a lot you can do about it unless your tyre guy starts giving out wof. If you had been a bit more forward thinking you could have blacked the tyres before going for the Wof. However the mechanic has to put his balls on the line and make the call that the tyres will indeed last the 6 months until next Wof and speed is not the issue.
Jul 24, 3:43am
its common to find 50 yr old tyres on vintage vehicles, because of the low speeds they travel at they generally are not a problem, unless the tyres are actually breaking up I would try another garage, preferably with older more experienced staff!
Jul 24, 4:42am
If you can get 2 different tyre shops to document/ certify on their own letterhead paper that the tyres are "fit for purpose", then the wof should be issued
Jul 24, 9:06am
Tyres aren't very important. Why worry?
Jul 24, 10:16am
My concern would be the tyres literally flying apart especially if they have cloth cords and deep cracks. My question for you is "why don't you want to change the tyres?'
Jul 24, 1:04pm
Hi they are about 30 years old but they really don't look that bad.
Jul 24, 1:05pm
Hi Scuba Yes you are right the mechanic is responsible for what he passes. Thanks for the answer.
Jul 24, 1:09pm
Hi Kazbanz the tyres have only slight cracks that can be hardly seen no deep cracks and cords showing. If I done what others advised and blackened them it would not have been noticed. I hardly use the car and the new tyres are $230 each. Thanks Kaz
Jul 24, 1:10pm
No, the WoF is day of issue, there is no thinking ahead. Will the car be taken home and not used for 6 months. or will it do a 1,000kmk road trip tomorro ? We don't know, so the WoF is today. It's the AVI's call. if he thinks it's a fail, it's a fail to him. but maybe not to another AVI.
Jul 24, 1:11pm
Yes I had seen that before but honestly my tires are nowhere as bad as that.
Jul 24, 1:14pm
My mechanic is a good guy but I don't agree with his call on this. I may do what another said and get a written onion from my tyre supplier, and ask him to change his mind. Or I may have to fork out a grand for some new rubber. A member of the M8 club told me his tyres are from 1972.
Jul 24, 1:15pm
Good answer Thanks
Jul 24, 1:16pm
Not correct. The WOF inspector has to be satisfied that the tyres are safe at the time of inspection. He can not and should not give any consideration to what might happen 5 minutes later let alone 6 months later. In the OP's case the inspector has said the tyres are perished. Well that's a fail. If it's a testing station could simply go back for a re-check. A different inspector may pass them. https://vehicleinspection.nzta.govt.nz/virms/in-service-wof-and-cof/general/tyres,-wheels-and-hubs/tyres-and-wheels
Jul 24, 1:18pm
Thanks this is the best answer I got, and will do this.
Jul 24, 3:34pm
Take it to your Morris dealer and try a warranty claim.
Jul 24, 3:57pm
OP so your happy to endanger your life and others to save $1000.
Jul 24, 4:50pm
^^^tyres are the least of your worries for safety. Even if you get a blow out, at its maximum speed you are unlikely to lose control. Poor handling, poor brakes, no seat belts let alone air bags or crumple zones. Old cars are so unsafe by todays standards, it is a joke that they need wofs at all, or even if they should pass. However the statistics show that these old cars don’t get involved in many accidents, and I totally support their continued use on the road.
Yes perished tyres need careful advice, but many tyres that are exceeding 50 years old will be fine to use, even though they are showing perish marks. I’ve got a vehicle that the tyres now would be more than 60 to 70 years old, and they were perished when we got it around 35 years ago. Interesting thing is that Bandag retreaded them around 20 years ago and weren’t concerned with the perishing in the walls.
We aren’t talking new generation tyres here on high performance vehicles.
Jul 24, 7:50pm
wof in nz are over the top
Jul 24, 7:55pm
Wow; surely that has to be the the assumption of the month?
Jul 25, 3:44am
Yeah try the equilivant standards you must maintain your car to in Australia much tougher .
Jul 25, 3:52am
take into , a/c the car is slow, the tyre dia is large so the tyre does not revolve very fast. the tyre can be cracked but unless the cords are showing, or the side walls are breaking up it is generally still ok in this application and should pass a wof
Jul 25, 4:23am
As a generalization, the tyres are probably fine for the intended application & usage while the vehicle is with it's current owner & thats where part of the problem is with the law. Current owner behavior doesn't allow for a new owner OR driver, before the next wof. Every driver has different habits & not all are compatible with the vehicles current condition. BUT . having said that, what sort of a dummy would want to drive a 1936 Morris 8 at much more then the proposed 60kph anyway
Jul 25, 4:40am
mooy-its a tough one. I can't imagine any tyre shop putting their balls on the line to say that even slightly cracked tyres are safe. From my POV based ONLY on jap imports with lightly cracked tyres. Once you have cracking it gets worse fairly rapidly once the vehicle is being used. Again only based on personal experience. I had a car that I "hand picked" in japan--tyres looked mint. date stamped same age as the car. Flew through compliance inspection --They remove the wheels and are looking for tyre damage. AA FULL PP inspection -nothing. Customer drove from Auck to Tauranga.In the last few km the tyres started to come apart. That's the problem
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