How can you check boat ownership?

beachboy61, Aug 15, 2:19pm
I want to purchase a secondhand trailer boat on TM, but how can I be sure that I'm buying from the true owner?
Is it as simple as checking the boat trailer registration and how to you check this?

johnn, Aug 15, 2:41pm
Look the seller in the eye & ask them. Trailers are not identifiable like cars, easy to swap plates around or even purchase a new plate & put it onto a stolen trailer.

bwg11, Aug 15, 3:15pm
If I was buying a big ticket, late model rig and had the slightest doubt about it history I would check the motor and hulls serial numbers with police, local agents and the securities registrar. As #2 says, plates can easily be swapped

m16d, Aug 15, 3:16pm
Ask to see the boat on the new trailer.
I sold an old trailer once, and the buyer,[ even though he didnt ask ] .was able to see the old boat on the new trailer.

msigg, Aug 16, 1:35am
As bwg11, best to check with police if registered stolen, otherwise your all good to go. Happy fishing.

yabba2, Oct 24, 9:09pm