Just noticed when getting a warrant that cambelt was last changed 6 years ago,but only driven 21,000km in that time. Would cambelt hold up for another couple of years,or is it risking it? Cheers
Sep 12, 7:04am
What was the quality or brand of the belt that was fitted as they aren't all the same grade . Also was the belt replaced or just the sticker
Sep 12, 7:11am
What is the make/model/year of the car? Some cars even if it breaks its no issue -others its new engine time. Some manufacturers have a time and miles limit on their belts others just miles.
Sep 12, 10:28am
A friend of mine found out the hard way that with a factory Toyota belt (whoever makes them - Gates?) you don't get more than 11 years or 235,000k.
Sep 12, 10:36am
My oldest boy ALMOST found out the hard way that VAG factory cambelts must be replaced at the correct time as well as distance. 2005 audi TT manual 65000km and the belt was shredded when the cambelt cover was removed.
Sep 12, 11:00am
Has not Audi also got a time of 5 ? years for belts to be replaced at ?
Sep 12, 11:13am
Most belts100,000kms
Sep 12, 11:14am
They wouldnt replace the sticker without doing the belt.
Sep 12, 11:15am
You should be good for at least another 50,000k's
Sep 12, 11:23am
People selling cars just want the sticker . As its not their problem when it breaks
Sep 12, 11:38am
Honda Civic 2000. Got it done at Honda Cars dealership so I trust it is of decent quality
Sep 12, 11:38am
Google for your model/brand, for small alfa engines it is 3 years max. - As of 13/11/2006 the official service interval on cambelts on 1.6l, 1.8l, 2.0l Twin Spark engines and 2.0l JTS engines in all models of all ages has been reduced to 36,000 miles or 3 years (whichever is the soonest).
Sep 12, 12:11pm
That's my point
Sep 12, 12:17pm
Im sorry but you couldn't be more wrong. Depending on who the "they" are. One person who's web got unravelled made one cambelt seem to have gone into THREE cars. One car he actually replaced the belt. Another he used the sticker and another he used the receipt for the belt as "proof' he had done the belt.
Sep 12, 12:25pm
Kazbanz ! . Are you hinting that a private seller may not always tell the truth when selling their car ? And as an aside the Holden Barina ( or may have been Opel badged ) from a few years ago had a cambelt replacement of 60,000km as too many failed around 80,000km to annoy the franchises.
Sep 12, 1:44pm
I have seen 2 cars with new stickers and old belts.
Pop off a cover and check the condition and date code on the belt and tensioner.
Sep 12, 2:41pm
No Im not hinting at anything. Im bluntly saying that there are people totally aware that there are no protections for private buyers and take advantage of that. A dealer wouldn't in this day and age get away with that dishonesty.
Sep 12, 3:24pm
opel had some cambelt to change at 60k so had some ford and they broke at 55. so they shifted it to 40k only after repairing quite a few engines under warranty late 90s i think early 2000. escorts and astra i recall
Sep 12, 5:29pm
Audi = 70,000kms MAX. Or you get 30 little bent valves.
Its a expensive and involved job to replace a cambelt on a V6 Audi
Sep 13, 2:43am
Got a 25 year old 78km 1UZ-FE, probably time I checked it
Sep 24, 6:51am
Do not where you got that info from , my A6 was not that expensive to do and it was easy if you do it the proper way .
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