Insurance on a 4x4

joel14, Jul 16, 6:17pm
Which is the best and cheapest company to go with to insure a 4x4? Apparently it has got more expensive to insure these lately.

3tomany, Jul 16, 6:57pm
FMG would be a good bet. Even if not cheaper they are a very good company to deal with.

the-lada-dude, Jul 17, 2:27am
and run . yes ?

tweake, Jul 17, 5:14am
does best and cheapest ever belong in the same sentence ?

just be careful of the clauses. some have ridiculous conditions that means you will never get paid out.

pico42, Jul 17, 10:04am
We use these guys, but the 4WD is more off-road than on-road.

tweake, Jul 17, 10:30am
barley has been sold to Rothbury Insurance Brokers.
i've had to give up the 4wd insurance as there is a couple of changes.
you have to be a 4wd club member and competition of any form is not covered.

joel14, Jul 17, 1:42pm
The vechile is a 4x4 suv for road use.

s_nz, Nov 20, 12:10pm
Spend an afternoon getting quotes from different companies, and compare. Note that all the different insurance brands in NZ are basically owned by two companies.

Avoid Youi.