Any ideas on a job for a retiring mechanic ?

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gpg58, Aug 12, 5:54am
My first thought too, or any WOF place.

pge, Aug 12, 6:08am
At 73, I am driving a 6-wheeler tipper, for a small transport co.(8 trucks)

Meant to be casual, but .

In the team, is a 69 y.o., who was a panelbeater/mechanic/truckdriv-
er, who maintains all the equipment, and drives on the odd occasion.

ceebee2, Aug 13, 8:27pm
They dont want to know you. been there done that. too old but not in so many words. They are trying to get youngsters in there.

rodeorunch, Aug 14, 12:54am
It’s going to be a shame to lose the old school mechanics that
Had the experience working on different vehicles.
Now days we seem to have ( technicians) that don’t want to get
Dirty and start replacing parts with new parts until they find the problem.
If they do.
And all this time we’re paying up to $140 per hour.
You will be missed

bjmh, Aug 14, 2:28am
I have been self employed for 38yrs,still busting my arse at 66. one of the local garages shut shop so never been busier.My biggest problem is all my retired mates come for smoko,so I would get a growl if I shut the free coffee shop.I still enjoy it,apart from dealing with some modern customers.Good luck,i found the 65 birthday a bit of a mind f. k ,probably because everyone thinks you are going to vegetate.The guy that delivers our local paper twice a week starts at 5am till about 1pm.He walks for miles. he's 73.

chantilly, Aug 17, 8:16am
How about setting yourself up as a vehicle certifier .Try contacting the constructors car club.Not all people who modify or build their own cars are boy racers.And clubs such as this can always use your knowledge and experience.

m16d, Aug 17, 8:28am
Why don't you actually retire, buy a caravan, fit it out how you want, then take the missus of a tour of our great country.

bill1451, Aug 17, 2:25pm
I was a sparky for 46 years and tired of the H &S bs , got my "P" endorsement and drive a car (company supplied) which I keep at home, pick up kids and take them to school, and take them home again in the afternoon, and with the superann we, have lots of free time. Something I thought I,d never do but now my hands get dirtier in my workshop than at work. Plus being on the tools was giving me grief with arthritis, over use syndrome etc.

comsolve, Aug 18, 10:59am
Just do scheduled servicing on nice tidy low km's Japanese import cars. I just paid $57.50 for an oil/filter change not including the oil and filter, which I supplied. I used to do this myself so I know the job is easy. Problem is my current car is too low and has no jack point. So needs a hoist. Easy cash I reckon.

artemis, Aug 18, 12:56pm
Have a chat with your local polytech automotive trades people. Part time lab assistant type role might be possible. Setting up gear for lessons, helping the tutor out where you have expertise etc.

bill1451, Aug 18, 1:00pm
oh dear no jack point, so obviously you never get flat tyres ?

rodeorunch, Oct 23, 5:55am
A lot of new cars don’t have a spare wheel now days.