Transmission advice

seafry1, Aug 23, 10:45am
hi can anyone tell me if an anuto trans gearing is diffret would it make a huge difference.I need to replace my auto trans. my car is a tubo the previous model is non turbo. The only difference is the gear ratio. Would the non turbo work in the turbo. turbo trans seems like hens teeth to find but plenty of the non turbo around trans codes match apart for the gear ratio.

kazbanz, Aug 23, 11:05am
It would be usefull to know what car you are on about.

seafry1, Aug 23, 11:17am
1997 fz diesel 2l turbo the older model is 2l non turbo diesel. Both trans/axel codes are a241l the only difference is turbo is 01a for gear ratio non turbo is 02a gear ratio. In my head in assuming the turbo would have more gap between ratio for the higher fevs speed and the non turbo shorter ratio. If that makes sense or would it be other way around

seafry1, Aug 23, 11:23am

poppy62, Aug 23, 2:05pm
Unless you're going to be racing it and need the correct gear ratios for the track, I wouldn't worry at all about fitting a non turbo trans. Considering that you're hardly likely to exceed much more than the speed limit and the vehicle will probably spend most of it's life averaging about 47kph i feel you're worrying too much about possibly very small differences.

seafry1, Aug 23, 2:16pm
Thanks poppy62.
As im having trouble finding the original transmission but finding lots of the non turbo. I wanted to make sure it would work ok. One wrecker told me it wouldn't while another told me it would be fine to put it into car. Its my work wagon. Yes mostly around town driving when doing delivery's 100km day just for one trip alone. And the rest running in and out of town 40km per trip at 100km.
Just wanted to know pulling motor and replacing trans with non trans wasn't going to be a complete waste of money if I cant track down the original trans

supernova2, Aug 23, 4:41pm
Might make your speedo a bit out. Check with a GPS and make a couple of marks on the speedo face if necessary.

intrade, Aug 24, 4:33am
should be fine as long as its not 4wd.
Based on that toyota used most the same but make sure the starter fits before you bolt it to the engine and all plugs match .
i was going to fit a trans to my 95 corolla and the trans is the same but it had a different gear selector switch= no problem change over but Then i put the spacer ring on the box to see how the holes lign up. they all lined up but the starter could not be fitted .
The starter on my corolla was on rear of engine and this box had it on front.
So i pulled the speed-govener who was the reason my one did no longer shift gears and the torque converter and fixed the old transmission with these 2 things.

intrade, Aug 24, 4:38am
if all fine make sure you change the crank seal on the engine.
And check every bolt 3 times when reassembly This is how i have no combacks on jobs.

seafry1, Aug 24, 7:00am
Thanks guys. As always you have been a great help.
I had been looking at parts diagrams etc and knew all the important things like to torque converter pump gaskets filter were the same between the two. Just couldn't find the gear ratio. Housing is the same.
I can relax a bit now.
Intrade I was thinking if it would not fit work I could do similar pull out the parts that I needed that are the same and swap them over as the parts numbers match.

intrade, Oct 17, 9:40am
i bolted a 1982 L 2.1 to my 1990s hilux 2.4 2L-te with a few minor mods .