? Have you missed out a word Bill? Typing too fast?
Jan 5, 5:55am
Thanks for that pearl of wisdon "Captain Obvious".
Jan 5, 6:40am
you are correct. but you know what the word is, or do i have to spell it for you.
Jan 5, 6:41am
dumb statements draw obvious answers
Jan 5, 6:50am
And your mindful interpretation of road crash statistics would be?
Jan 5, 6:56am
correct. As a matter of interest Police refer to crashes as Incidents and not accidents. the reason being there is always a reason as to why a crash occurred. With a reason a crash can not accurately be called an accident.
Jan 5, 7:02am
Go on then - you know you want to!
Jan 5, 7:19am
i call them all crashes, what else are they
Jan 5, 7:34am
Ha. Very good Bill.
Jan 5, 10:54am
Now that you've come up with the solution, maybe you can tell the government that all it needs to do is tell road users just to "not crash".
Jan 5, 11:00am
It's all part of being "kind to one other". A bit of kindness goes a long way.
Especially if we're "going hard and going early". (shudup Apollo)
Jan 5, 11:21am
You would call crashes crashes, wow just wow, hope I live to be old and knowledgeable just like you to
Jan 5, 1:00pm
well, as you are our resident accident genius, what do you call them? first hand experience is a wonderful input.
Jan 5, 2:09pm
Have to say I just discovered that of the 9 'road deaths' over the Xmas/New Year break (I've subtracted the 2 motorcyclists), 5 weren't wearing seatbelts. You have to question the competency of the idiot/idiots who are in charge of the current zero over the speed limit policing strategy?
One could also argue that the most common definition of stupidity is doing the same thing over and over again while expecting a different outcome?
Jan 5, 2:20pm
That\s a bad stat alright. Not just bad drivers. stupid too.
Jan 5, 2:38pm
yeah thats appalling. amazing that in this day and age there are people who just don't get it. would be interesting to know their driver licence status and more importantly how long they sat on their learners.
Jan 5, 8:00pm
You are sliding off on one of your tangents bill, a recap to help you "bill-robinson wrote:
if you follow statistics mindlessly you could arrive at that conclusion.
And your mindful interpretation of road crash statistics would be?"
Having established, much to your surprise no doubt, that other people refer to crashes as crashes, what was the actual answer to the question put?
Jan 6, 1:08am
there are lies, damned lies, then statistics. that help you?
Jan 6, 4:24am
"And your mindful interpretation of road crash statistics would be?"
Sounds quite mindful bill. ps And original
Jan 6, 5:28am
told to me by a govt. statistician years ago. he said from some famous person. your interpretation of road crash statistics is? . . . . . the standard police logic.
Jan 6, 5:39am
With out using someone elses interpretation of any statistics would you agree or disagree with "The going slower makes a fatal less likely or the faster makes it more likely?"?
Jan 6, 5:44am
to many variables to comment. your version of your statement is?
Jan 6, 6:16am
So you have no mindful thoughts on that question, instead try your old and well used MO of trying to get some else to answer your questions. No comment at all on "The going slower makes a fatal less likely or the faster makes it more likely?" A question that was asked of you way back there and still you have no mindful answer
Jan 6, 6:44am
ypu could remove so of the variables but that interfereres with your training. why keep on, or are you just working on the premis, there is no such thing as a dumb question, only stupid answers?
Jan 6, 6:51am
You are getting excited bill, slow down with your typing and type something legible
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