just to please you tygertung "keep Nz great" i agree with hydroplane as well the border should be closed to ALL people.
Jan 11, 7:08am
Even New Zealanders? Even freighters? You want to completely seal of New Zealand? I don't think we are fully self sufficient, well not unless we want to have a major change in the way we live here.
Jan 11, 7:25am
Ha. You guys !
Jan 11, 7:26am
This is good.
"That is tantamount to treason saying "make NZ great again". NZ is already great, are you saying that NZ sucks? ".
Jan 11, 7:45am
yep, everyone we produce enough food to live on what more do you want?
Jan 11, 8:20am
There's a hell of a lot more to living than just food. Go take a look round your house and ask yourself what things could be produced entirely locally.
Things that can't:
Plastics Medicines Electronics Many food items Fuels Lubrications
The list is very large.
Jan 11, 8:35am
I actually read a bit on this post before I realized you actually meant ‘borders’!
Jan 11, 9:08am
modern life what would we do without it. plastics ot needed, but could be recycled from the ones already here medecines . some people die result is more food electronics 99.9% not needed we produce food or have you forgotten already? fuels we have quite a few here just need to get them up and running. same with lubricants. remember people lived without any of your list for thousands of years,but you need all of them to live do you?
Jan 11, 9:19am
No but many people do. I suppose you are one of the ones who must be fine about having to die if your meds can't be supplied? That would be very nice of you - to self sacrifice for the cause. Yeah right. Or perhaps someone you love ?
I do agree that it would be nice to lock the gate and let NO-ONE in but TBH it's not that practical these days.
Jan 11, 12:49pm
who do you know that is going to live forever? i do not worry about dying at all as my meds are not "PEOPLE" as i said in my ooriginal post. why not. who should be allowed in?
Jan 12, 4:42pm
Sorry Bill, but with half my family overseas and half here, someone has to travel. Would you ban that? You worked overseas. Would you stop today's Kiwis getting that sort of experience? Or overseas people gaining from their visits here?
Let's see how many unemployed there are and how many businesses have closed down come the end of the tax year, March 31st. Hotel industry down 40% last year - and that includes two months of normal trading, January and February.
Jan 12, 4:56pm
NZ is not that great, while under the commy labour party who are taking away our rights to free speech, rights to use sporting firearms while gangs do what they want, taxing the crap out of working people to pay drug users gangs and boozers. As far as closing the borders - I meant people not product until this china virus is shut down, The tourist industry was way over the top anyway - we don't need more tourists, who were trashing / polluting our country. Those in this industry need to get into production and do something useful and productive instead working in a industry of consumption and one that users trillions of tons of jet fuel.
Jan 12, 4:58pm
Treason (bullshit) Ive brought another 3 new cars (not telling make, so I don't get anymore shit from you), earth moving gear and another v8 raceboat since then - so get over yourself.
Jan 13, 2:00am
Yes, but if the border is shut to ALL people, product cannot arrive in the country as all of the ships and aeroplane require crew, and those crew are people as robots cannot do the job.
If you do not like the current party in power, feel free to vote for another one at the next elections, and you could suggest to everyone that you know to vote for another one.
Jan 13, 2:51am
Why can't we shut the border to 'returnees' yet, obviously, retain the freighting services we need ? The Ships and Aeroplane crews would be easy enough to deal with re isolation.
Jan 13, 3:59am
So wasting imported fuel in a race boat is OK, but a tourist driving an EV or a small car and spending money locally, including GST, is bad? Sorry, I don't get the logic.
Jan 13, 6:46am
well socram,the entire population of this country could leave, we are all imports. or the other extreme, we could invite all our relatives to clean green covid free NZ. that is why i made my statement,to possibly protect those that are here by NOT letting anyone at all in. no people no problem not for ever just till this problem has been resolved. make meeting your rellys much better don't you think.
Jan 13, 4:11pm
Fair enough Bill, but I read your post as a permanent thing, which is what others are basically after.
They seem to be totally anti overseas tourists, full stop, and not just because of the dubious driving habits of some, not just whilst Covid is around and an obvious major issue.
Jan 14, 3:55am
Green algae in the rivers maybe. The only reason that NZ isn't really badly polluted is that there isn't many people here for the land area. Per capita I think the levels of pollution output would be fairly up there.
Jan 14, 2:07pm
2- 20 litre drums of 98 i use on race day wouldn't even get the tourist camper past hamilton (not to talk about the jet fuel that carted the arses over here), a tourist driving an EV - you are joking .
Jan 14, 2:29pm
Boarders must be well and truly fed up with being singled out on social media by people who skipped school on the day that grammar and vocabulary were taught.
Sep 27, 12:59pm
I did say OR a small car.
The majority of tourist rentals are NOT camper vans. Jet fuel is kerosene which is considerably cheaper to produce than 98.
You are just seem totally anti tourist and can only see the downsides of tourism. We normally welcome the Aussie V8s here, and they too could be classed as tourists, as are all international cricket, rugby, netball etc. entourages.
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