err its all tourists including local holiday road warriors in their ego utes and over rated SUV's towing the titanic.
Jan 2, 2:01am
Well go look up immigration. visa suspended for entry in to new zealand you must be premanent resident or hold a work visa. You can click the 3 month or under then it goes you need other visa then it goes to thin air and if you click further you get no visa but we can take 340$ from you that you pay and we make a desition that will be based on nothing other then that we will tell you yes or no for entry and the money is non refundable. Do you really think the answer will be a yes . when every other information states no-one other cant enter then nz residence other then citizens or work permit holders.
Jan 2, 2:11am
From the article:
"Overseas drivers were at fault in just 5 per cent of fatal crashes in 2019, meaning the vast majority of dangerous driving offences are committed by Kiwis."
Can anyone else see the flawed logic? Unbelievable and totally unscientific in at least two significant ways!
Jan 2, 2:33am
Other Kiwis kill more ‘innocent kiwis’ each year than foreigners do so you aren’t exactly factual in your claim.
Jan 2, 2:36am
How many crashes are attributed totally on the ‘woeful state of the roads’? Just about all are due to ‘the woeful state of the driving’
Jan 2, 3:17am
New Zealand drivers are very aggressive I have found. Much more aggressive nowadays now that all the cars are much higher performance.
Back in the days of the 40hp 1.3L Corolla, the aggression levels were much lower as driving fast wasn't an option.
Jan 2, 4:22am
Per head of population? Stats have to be factual!
Jan 2, 4:24am
It is not about the performance of the car but it is the attitude of the people!
Jan 2, 4:29am
'Drive to the conditions' and 'lower speeds' are messages that many haven't heeded. Likewise, buying safer vehicles as is currently promoted may lead to more presumption of invincibility. Nothing safer that a good driver.
Jan 2, 4:38am
i disagree, i find its the absolute opposite.
the old slow cars you push them to the limit just to get to normal speeds. these days you just don't bother because the car is just cruising at those speeds so you sit back and relax.
Jan 2, 4:41am
while there is only a few that are a direct cause, the roads have a huge impact on the outcome.
Jan 2, 4:59am
People have managed to drive successfully through the Sahara desert, the ice shelf of Antarctica, the steppe of central Asia, and on the moon.
The roads here in NZ could always be BETTER, but the only thing WRONG with them is that they are full of people who make bad mistakes and terrible decisions.
Jan 2, 5:40am
There is one fact that blows that statement out of the water, the road toll is half what it used to be and back then there were less cars and trucks on the road. also cars are safer now.
I would be more inclined to look at the fact the roads are narrow single lane (even state highway one is single lane (south of hamilton), other factors are excessive substance abuse by the new selfish society, The massive increase of trucks on these same single lane roads, the poor maintenance and quality of our existing roads and finally police not enforcing safe open road driving (instead focusing on speed when they should be targeting keeping left, speeding trucks and those towing and any other reason that causes head on crashes from forcing cars to stay on the wrong side of the road. The number of egotistical wankers that speed up when you pass because they own a poor handling ford ranger or sim. towing a bathtub is beyond a joke and is playing russian roulette with life.
Jan 2, 5:41am
Statistics, and even facts, are used to deceive us all the time.
Jan 2, 5:46am
Ive found the sit back driver to be more dangerous through lack of attention and slow the minute the roads get a few bends, they sit on 90 instead of 100 and generally a pain in the rear, speeding up in passing lanes so you can't pass their new toy. summary piss poor drivers.
Jan 2, 6:14am
We sure do seem to have a lot of angry "excellent drivers" in a hurry, with a laundry list of everyone ELSE who is apparently to blame for all of the problems. I guess it's harder to park a psychiatrist at the side of the road than a speed canera.
Jan 2, 6:34am
No Awanui. Last night just after midnight I went out to see which idiots were letting off fireworks. I then heard someone doing burnouts down by the corner at the start of the straight and could see the smoke. It goes all quiet and the next minute a police comes down our street, turns around and sits up at the main drag. Then the idiots start again, off go the police and all is quiet soon after.
Jan 2, 6:38am
Ha. was it a yellow mini.
And yeah, the fireworks are a worry.
Jan 2, 6:39am
The cops should have tracked the fireworks culprit down.
Jan 2, 6:43am
The road toll is down and people still complain, five million people and a car goes into a ditch during the hollidays, who started this zero road toll noncense anyway.
Jan 2, 6:45am
As for tourist drivers, i guess there mistakes might be alittle more un nerving, i,me no expert but if something happened say a driver was comeing at you the wrong way you would loose your breakfast out the other end in splatters i would guess.
Jan 2, 7:05am
your taking it out of context here. not talking about those idiot drivers but rather those who do normal speeds etc. now they can do the same speeds without pushing the vehicle hard and taking less risks.
Jan 2, 7:11am
tho there is a some sense in that approach. that tends to make those involved do as much as they can. if you make it a reachable target they will often do less, become complicate and ultimately fall well short of the target. especially when it things that take a long time and mistakes take a long time to fix. better to over do it than to under do it.
Jan 2, 7:15am
Well over doing it for to long is like a pressure cooker, it might bring some results but eventualy something will break, people become more angrey and demanding, the police become more aggressive, and trouble starts, look at the rubbishing of "kiwis" all the time by kiwis, its brewing a nasty mess.
Jan 2, 7:19am
The news is allso causeing a migraine, the idiotic posturing of police with there back turned and an endless stream of emotive bad news.
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