Still Blaming Tourist Drivers?

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bill-robinson, Jan 8, 12:55pm
very punny apollo11

alowishes, Jan 8, 1:14pm
I guy the speed influences the outcome regardless of the factors you mentioned?

bumfacingdown, Jan 8, 1:15pm
Except between Nelson and Blenheim

carstauranga001, Jan 8, 2:14pm
That's crazy aye! Rode that just before change in speed early December. New signs were in but 80 was covered. 100 was safe on most as the road mainly straight. 80 on the hills and twisties could be warranted but lots of it I couldn't understand why?

tygertung, Jan 8, 2:22pm
Also: Lower speed, greater fuel economy; more money for beers. Double bonus.

bumfacingdown, Jan 8, 2:37pm
If anything maybe from Rai Valley, or even the Nelson side of, to Hira would have made sense, sort of

bill-robinson, Jan 9, 1:27am
people had their brain removed when issued a driving license and need to be told what to do, more reliable than thinking

alowishes, Jan 9, 1:35am
And tyres last longer - more money saved!

tygertung, Jan 9, 1:51am
We've just been on a big trip from Christchurch to Nelson through the centre and back via the coast, and I consider the roads to be good. If people are crashing it is because they are driving unsafely, not that the roads are poor.

annie17111, Jan 9, 3:18am
south island roads in general are a lot better than the roads we have up north. I went over saddle road a couple of weeks ago, the road surface is falling apart and no one is obeying the speed limit except for me.

apollo11, Jan 9, 3:58am
Yeah the trucks are tearing the surface up.

gazzat22, Jan 9, 4:18am
Keeping the other driver on His side of the road would help mightily !

tygertung, Jan 9, 6:18am
Perhaps more freight could be moved to rail to reduce the need for trucks?

tygertung, Jan 9, 7:39am
If that is so, there must be no crashes in the South Island?

bill-robinson, Jan 9, 7:52am
there are none, place is full of tourists.

bumfacingdown, Jan 9, 8:14am
From the NI

bill-robinson, Jan 9, 10:20am
still tourists keeping you in work.

bumfacingdown, Jan 9, 10:23am
Really, what work would that be?

bill-robinson, Jan 9, 1:14pm
how would i know. i work from the news items and the press saying that the SI needded money and lots of it to keep the tourist industry employed. did you miss out?

alowishes, Jan 9, 1:16pm
And theres me thinking you knew what bumfacingdown did.

bumfacingdown, Jan 9, 1:36pm
Which has what to do with
"still tourists keeping you in work"
Or is that you finally admitting you know something that you don't know

bill-robinson, Jan 9, 1:47pm
think what you like i do not care.

bumfacingdown, Jan 9, 1:49pm
Yes you do, deep down, you care bill

framtech, Jan 10, 10:24am
with covid trashing the rest of the world our boarders need closing tighter than a drum, we would need less housing, less fuel is required, less electricity used, less pollution of our lands and waterways and less weakening of our cultures and way of life, stuff the one world philosophy, make NZ great again. If you moved overseas well stay there, tough biscuit.

tygertung, Jan 11, 3:40am
That is tantamount to treason saying "make NZ great again". NZ is already great, are you saying that NZ sucks?

Perhaps you need to move to Australia and sit in your V8 if NZ is no good.