Or are you unaware that tourist (overseas) drivers used to make up at least 10% of the drivers on the road?
Jan 2, 8:20am
What is the point of rubbish stuff like that anyway, allso the wording in some of it "authorities say" public servants more like it, or is that in the dust bin of history now.
Jan 2, 8:35am
Some of the older generation seem to forget that. Quick to slag off young men about poor driving in powerful vehicles. When they were young men they were killing themselves at the rate of three a week with half the population and cars that could barely exceed 70mph.
Jan 2, 9:04am
The cars did a lot of the killing then. A head on accident was invariably fatal, few seatbelts, no air bags and little structural design to absorb impacts.
Jan 2, 10:05am
But hang on - there's a s. load of Kiwi's on the roads that would normally be terrorising some other country. We now have a different breed of tourists now.
Jan 2, 10:23am
More of a reason not to go all Orwellian on our own countrymen with a low road toll and the odd screwup, just get this propaganda out of the news cycle.
I have repeatedly pointed out that the death and major crash rate for foreign drivers is a little below the average of all drivers in NZ. This pretty much proves it.
Dec 31, 11:04am
All those years travelling around Otago we saw some atrocious driving from rental cars with a likely tourist behind the wheel. But not huge numbers, and you could tell from a ways off from the attitude of the vehicle and give them some leeway. Still some serious issues (not keeping left or stopping suddenly where they ought not stop), but by far .
The bigger problem was locals (notably trades vehicles). Maybe over familiar with the roads? Happy to overtake recklessly, cross the centre line (Kawarau Gorge especially), not indicate, fly through roundabouts, speeding, using phones etc.
Tourists were disproportionately over-represented in crash statistics in the area as a portion of the population. But I always wondered whether it should be tied to km driven or some similar metric.
Dec 31, 11:09am
Yeah I think there are just a very very few really bad foreigners, not used to our roads, but it's kiwis that have most of the crashes by far.
Dec 31, 11:13am
I can hear them out on the road already. it sounds like a Saturday night. It'll be a good one.
Dec 31, 11:58am
the crash rate during the lockdown said it all. completely empty roads and they still crash and die.
Dec 31, 12:26pm
It is most nights here.
Dec 31, 12:33pm
Is that in town ?
Dec 31, 12:33pm
Down town. haha
Dec 31, 12:34pm
Goodbye pork pie.
Dec 31, 12:39pm
Who are you? Blondini?
Dec 31, 12:49pm
I'm always tempted.
Dec 31, 2:19pm
There have been few crashes this year in our common black-spots.
Dec 31, 2:40pm
stats have proven this for years. Kiwis are NOT good drivers by International standards at all.
Dec 31, 2:57pm
Looks like the speed reductions on the many 100kph roads (and others) haven’t had the desired affect. It’s the woeful state of the roads that can be held as a main contributing factor to the already accepted Stupidity factor.
Dec 31, 4:35pm
posting a speed sign is not a cure for stupidity.
Dec 31, 4:51pm
And you are under the impression that no tourists have been allowed to cross our borders?
Dec 31, 5:00pm
The foreigners cause the accidents, they don’t necessarily get killed, it’s the innocent kiwi.
Jan 1, 10:31am
Just ventured out my drive which is down a side road, then the cops came down. One lot of fireworks were next door and the other lot were down one of the side roads down by the pub. The burn out was after the fireworks.
Jan 1, 10:46am
I'd love to know what percentage of accidents, fatal or otherwise, are single vehicle accidents.
Can't ever blame the roads. if they are covered in snow and ice, do you blame the road or the driver?
As someone pointed out earlier, even during lockdown, there were about 13 or 14 fatalities, which generally means that it is the lawless ones we have to worry about, not tourists, local or otherwise. (Don't forget that a rental is just as likely to be driven by a local as someone from overseas,)
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