Insurance company wants to write off my 96 Corolla

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aprilguy, Jun 9, 4:17am
Someone dented the RR panel of my 96 corolla when it was parked. They left their details and have made a claim with their insurance company. I got a quote but they say the car is uneconomical to repair - quote about $2k. Their ungenerous offer is to pay me $2k and keep my car which will be sold for scrap/parts. I am the innocent party here, so am I expected to lose my car? I know it's not fair but I am wondering if anyone has been through this. I want a payment and to keep the car which I will try to get repaired cheaper somehow. The assessor says it is safety-related and the car needs to be deregistered. So. what would you do? I do need to get another car one of these days but the corolla has a few km left in it.

kazbanz, Jun 9, 4:29am
Can you replace the car for 2k?

aprilguy, Jun 9, 4:32am
Not like for like Kaz, I maintain it very well and I have looked at some junk cars offered for 4-8k. I intend asking to keep it and will accept less than $2k for the prang. Let's see what they say to that.

skull, Jun 9, 5:36am
If you accept payment and keep the car you need to make certain that it's not deregistered by the insurance co as part of the deal. It may be that when they write the car off and pay you out they will legally have to deregister it.

tamarillo, Jun 9, 5:46am
If you haven’t got agreed party insurance then yes they just give you market value but car is then theirs. You could try coming back with written valuations?

gazzat22, Jun 9, 5:53am
Can you get an independent assessment of the car and cost of damage/repair.Isnt there an Insurance Ombudsman you can go to for another opinion.I personaly wouldnt accept that "offer".

curlcrown, Jun 9, 6:20am
$2000 seems like a fair price for a 1996 Toyota Corolla. The other option as you said you be to negotiate a lower payment and you keep the car. I did something similar about 15 years ago.

trade4us2, Jun 9, 6:50am
You are best to get a car with airbags, as there are too many morons driving badly.

intrade, Jun 9, 7:06am
I do not know how it works but we had insurances purchase cars from us in europe. Because you can demand they fix or replace the car if they can not find a replacment they have to fix it what ever the cost is. or hope you take the money and fix it your self for cheaper. These was the options in 1990s in europe switzerland car insurances.
What i do know is insurance will do everything to not pay or save a cent by any means. its the game of insurance to collect and not pay if possible.

intrade, Jun 9, 7:08am
i would show them that they better replace it with a 10k fresh import play there game its not like they are poor from all the people they do manage to shaft. you pay 2k towards year 2000 fresh import Toyota.

cjohnw, Jun 9, 7:19am
^ That’s laughable.

trouser, Jun 9, 7:43am
It's your car and you have no contact with the insurance company. They cannot without your permission take your car. What you need to do now is take your car to a panel beater, any good one, and get a quote to repair. Send that quote to the insurance company and ask them to repair your car and provide you with a hire car while that is being done. If they don't then file a claim against the person who damaged your car to the disputes tribunal
. I have done this several times and it works. As I said you have no obligation at all to the other persons insurance company and you certainly don't have to do as they say.

tweake, Jun 9, 7:59am
you do not have to accept it.
if you want the car, tell them to fix it.
if the car has other issues then it might pay to take the cash instead.

headcat, Jun 9, 8:13am
It can be taken that you are dealing with your own insurance company. It ids doubtful that any third party insurer has the option of writing off your vehicle.

franc123, Jun 9, 9:20am
Your car has been structurally rooted by a parking knock? Unless the quarter panel has been ripped open badly or spotwelds broken I'd be getting second or third opinions on that one. Assessors are instructed to get anything >10yrs old written off, its how they work.

aprilguy, Jun 9, 11:44am
Thank you all for the valuable advice. Today I got another quote which will be substantially less - prob $500 less - so that might change the calculation. Also, both that panelbeater and the manager of my local VTNZ said the car was still warrantable/safe with the dent. The VTNZ guy put his hand behind the panel and pushed 2/3 of the damage straight out! I have told the assessor all this and he says they will decide after quote is received. My local mechanic said the talk of deregistration was scare tactics. I hope so, it would be outrageous if it could be deregistered without my approval. I am trying to get something in writing that the car is safe as it is - trying AA, anyone suggest an alternative certifier?

annie17111, Jun 9, 12:01pm
Negotiate with the insurance company and get a cash settlement, probably be able to get $1200 to $1500. Then you can keep your car and have cash as well.

tweake, Jun 9, 12:06pm
problem is they dereg the car so its only good for parts.

curlcrown, Jun 9, 12:08pm
That seems much more reasonable. Better for you and better for them. If you need to show it is safe simply getting a new WOF on it should satisfy them.

franc123, Jun 9, 12:10pm
Get the panel shop to do it. In all honesty unless your WoF is due between now and the projected repair time then its not really necessary. Although I guess if you have it then if some nosy individual decides to pink sticker you then you can produce a declaration. Just goes to show that these insurance assessors and their decisions need careful independent scrutiny.

aprilguy, Jun 9, 12:26pm
Franc I want the certificate to shut the assessor up about the car being dangerous as it is. I think you are right, it is their policy to write off older cars and he is just trying to justify it any way he can: uneconomic to repair and dangerous. We had a debate about the second panelbeater not being an approved repairer; the assessor says not on the list despite a sign to the contrary outside the panelbeater's place. In the end he will speak to 2nd panelbeater and look at his quote. You don't have to use an insurer's approved repairers do you?

curlcrown, Jun 9, 12:30pm
It doesn’t make any sense at all, from the insurance company’s point of view, to pay you $2000 when you have told them it can be repaired for $500 or less. They will probably agree, they are $1500 better off with your proposal. Maybe we are both missing something.

bill1451, Jun 9, 12:46pm
REad post 18 he said he got a quote for $500 less than $2000 standard 6 maths tells me he now has a quote for $1500.00

aprilguy, Jun 9, 12:47pm
Not $500 or less, but $500 less than $2000=about $1500. They still might want to write it off, we will see. Definitely seems to be some insurer's policy at play apart from choosing the cheapest path.

curlcrown, Jun 9, 12:52pm
Okay. I did miss something. But even $1500 seems a lot to repair a dent in a guard. Is there any other damage?