Import duties / rules / gst

tigertim20, Feb 24, 1:10pm
anyone on here up to date on the current rules with importing goods?

need some motorbike related stuff thats not available in NZ, and has no NZ supplier.

about $800NZ value. AM I going to get stung for gst / duties etc on something coming from Australia?

kazbanz, Feb 24, 1:40pm
Yep -15%

cjohnw, Feb 24, 1:43pm

brouser3, Feb 24, 1:49pm
The basics. Just be aware of the $1000.00 threshold as along with more cost, it requires you to have a client code. Not hard to get, but takes time for the paperwork to be done. Also be aware that the NZ value is calculated on the exchange rate when the item hits the border - not when the payment or purchase is made.

cjohnw, Feb 24, 1:50pm
Done it for you.
I guessed at $100 freight. Just keep it under a grand if you can.

blue35, Feb 24, 2:25pm
Ok, so with the example you have given, There is no extra cost(gst/duty) charged, “Total to pay, $0.00” because the amount is under $1000?

cjohnw, Feb 24, 2:32pm
Yes. Once you go beyond the $1000 limit, you incur duty and gst on freight.
Keep it under $1k NZD (incl shipping) and you wont pay anything.
These new rules came into effect last year (?).

gusthe1, Feb 24, 3:08pm
Be aware also that the exchange rate used is a customs exchange rate. Duty may also be applicable depending on what is you are referring to as motorbike related stuff

harm_less, Feb 24, 3:45pm
Available here: And the $1,000 threshold doesn't include shipping.

Also if your supplier imports more than NZ$60K per year they will be registered with IRD for GST so will be required to charge it. This includes selling platforms such as Amazon, Ebay, etc.

tigertim20, Feb 24, 4:23pm
Thanks team

intrade, Feb 25, 4:32am
under 1000 doller you should not get charged . WHAT they do want is the seller collects the nz gst from you and is sending it on to nz.
so if they did not sign up to this scam then you should get charged 0 under 1000$ . however i had to have customs officer from south island who is or was a trademe poster help me to not pay anything.
what they did do is just charge you anyways and not release the goods unless you pay. or get somone on a longer lever to tell them thugs .
NOW if your over 1000 you also need a licensing number registration so they can bill you for tax and gst. if you dont have this goods are hold at border till you provide this. and storage fees will apply likely also after some time on top.
its all complete gungster mafia mobster setup i.m.o.

intrade, Feb 25, 4:38am
here is a other problem . can happen. they dont know to not charge you the au gst on export, i had to tell when i was on locksmiss training in $hitswill stralia aka sydney. that export is 0 rated so they given me 0 rate after few h with head office. and i did declear it as import company owned goods at nz airport on return and imaterliculated it to my company assets.
otherwise you pay au gst and never get it back.
worst case you pay au gst and nz gst on top at border.

harm_less, Sep 9, 1:18pm
What I think you are trying to say is that overseas suppliers may not deduct any domestic taxes in the source country but then add NZ GST on top. This is a real problem and you need not look any further than Trade Me to find that the prices on listings here have to be NZ GST inclusive but if an Australian member is to buy here they will likely be charged AU GST on top of the listing price, so double sales tax.

Happy to be corrected if I'm wrong on this but can't see that the system is designed to correct this issue. Our own website automatically deducts NZ GST for any order with a delivery address outside NZ so it's not difficult to avoid double dipping.