are there widened wheels to fit a 2004 Ford Explorer? deep dished that will stick out from the fenders
Oct 7, 5:41am
Then it will handle like shit on wet roads .
Oct 7, 7:00am
If they were to stick outside the fenders , to get a wof you would require a guard fitted . Fender extender like . A Ford Explorer forum would be a good place to start looking for info . They are normally called exploders on here .
Oct 7, 12:10pm
It is the tyre tread, or in other words, the contact patch on the road, that mustn't stick out beyond the guards/fenders. Which means that it is ok for the outer edge of the rim and any part of the sidewall to stick out beyond the guards/fenders.
Oct 7, 12:19pm
Actually what I said above in #4 may not be entirely correct. It is the top side of the tyre tread that matters - it must not stick out beyond the guards/fenders. You could have stupid amounts of negative camber which pushes the bottom of the tyre tread out beyond the guards but would be perfectly ok providing the top is within.
Oct 7, 1:50pm
Reading the virm it appears (I think) to say you are allowed up to 25mm clear of the guards.
Oct 7, 4:08pm
I’m sure having any tread sticking out past the mudguards would likely get attention from the cops - and fail at WOF time. And it might not enhance what handling the vehicle has.
Oct 8, 4:25am
In development, Ford engineers probably decided what was the optimum tyre for the vehicle.
Oct 8, 6:26am
Thanks guy's
Oct 9, 6:19am
I'll answer your question without the 'Oldfartitus' negatives.
Oct 9, 1:04pm
LOL. have you seen the skinny biscuit tires some models come out with? quite a few makes have cheap skinny tires fitted because they know most people will replace them with decent rims and tires.
Oct 9, 1:12pm
A lot of people just don't seem to get that. The company spends a fortune on the setup and the first thing every man and their dog seem to want to do is fiddle with it!
Nov 9, 1:42am
because the setup is often more about the cost to the manufacture than vehicle performance for their customers. eg the bottom model ranger comes with thin biscuit wheels even tho it has the same power and payload as the other models. not to mention many top models come factory fitted with big wide wheels.
a vehicle is simply not engineered for one perfect sized tire.
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