Is being ticketed for going 1km/h over the speed limit actually a thing these days?
Has anyone here actually received a fine for 1-3km/h over the speed limit?
(Before I get jumped on, Yes. I know, speed limit is not a target but the maximum speed one may travel at)
I will confess, have tended to set my cruise control to 104km/h on the speedometer to obtain an actual 100km/h on the highways where conditions permit (Speedometer reads 4km/h higher than GPS speed) and even then, still have plenty of cars passing me on the Waikato Expressway.
Jan 11, 5:08pm
You're not on the 110 section near Cambridge by any chance?
Jan 11, 9:03pm
So about a 10% increase in fatalities even with lockdown,the Huntley bypass opening etc. surely those resources could be better resourced at intersections targeting not stopping at stop signs or towards teaching people how to corner, on teaching people to use their mirrors and let others pass. Or hey look for motorbikes, merge to the correct lane, etc I’m no expert but I’m sure it’s rare to have an accident caused by doing 105km/h rather than 100 and if so is probably poor driving not “the average speed” money spent on median barriers or safer vehicles would have an instant result. Yeah cheese cutters scare me on the motorbike but not as much as inattentive drivers crossing the centreline.
Jan 12, 12:11am
I feel like most, they spend too much time controlling something that only matters if a crash happens. They need to start controlling the causes that make the crashes.
The amount of drivers still using their phones txting away while on motorway is shocking. Aussie has that sorted, our tiny little fine for phone use is nothing compared to what they charge out!
Jan 12, 1:21am
Northern section (where the limit is 100) - North of Hamilton to Bombay
Of the couple times I had traveled the southern section, had set cruise control to 114km/h on the speedo and still had a bunch of double cab utes pass.
Jan 12, 1:31am
The UK has always had higher fines and their road"Toll" is nowhere near like ours but successive governments here cant seem to realise that simple fact and stupidly just fiddle with speed limits etc with totally inadequate staff numbers for adequate and effective enforcement.
Jan 12, 1:31am
It’s not the 105k’s over its the inattention of drivers that needs sorting out. I was nearly rear-ended twice on Saturday on SH 1 near Tirau. Case 1. Heavy traffic but speeds 90 to 100. Up ahead a truck waiting to make a right turn up a farm road. Brake lights coming on rapidly,
I had noticed the clown behind tailgating me so when I braked I looked in my mirror to see him panic and swerve onto the hard shoulder to avoid me. Thankfully he did but if it was wet or if there was no hard shoulder! Bang!
Case 2. Newish Merc behind as we neared Tirau - suddenly we met the customary Tirau bottleneck with all cars ahead stopped. Again 90 to 100k This Merc must have had the latest braking technology as I braced to counter a slight rear-end bump but he managed to stop within a couple of feet.
So no one was speeding but plenty not paying attention.
Jan 12, 1:42am
80km zone through Waikino in Karangahake. 82km. 84km. 88km. Plus quite a few others. Driven it hundreds of times. It's a lazy stretch when there's no cars, but when it's busy you're lucky to do 70km. I just use cruise control now, saves the headache.
Paeroa had or has one heading out of town 100m inside the 50 zone. I've been pinged doing 57 and 55 there.
Jan 12, 2:04am
the powers that be have altered all the speed limits around cambridge/te awamutu, and of course its going to take a wee while for the locals to get used to these new limits,so of course the plod are issuing more tickets ,but it hasnt reduced accidents ,so a waste of time . i agree with evotime ,its inattentive/distracted drivers who are the real problem, cellphone use is at least as dangerous as DIC and needs to be treated as such
Jan 12, 2:33am
All they will achieve by issuing tickets for 101 on the motorway is pi$$ing everybody off.
Jan 12, 2:51am
In reply to cognitions original post: it seems that nobody has had a ticket for 101-103kph speed range. (Judging by the replies to cognitions post)
Jan 12, 2:59am
What if your cellphone was confiscated if you are using it whilst driving?
Jan 12, 3:02am
The point that the cop made about the tight speed policing is that the increase in the seriousness of injuries resulting from higher speed accidents is worth avoiding any way they can. Waikato seems to have a lot of bad open road smashes.
Jan 12, 5:00am
Yes. if you see some of those "ozzie road cops" program it is clear that their fines are pretty hefty compared to NZ. Some "spotty little youth" gets stopped for perhaps speeding and not displaying the correct learners plate and he get like a $1000 worth of fines, and if as a result he has racked up too many demerit points, it is "bye bye car you are walking to work for a month or two". I also understand that the courts are not too keen on wiping a big unpaid fines tally, like they do in NZ,
Jan 12, 7:09am
Any cop issuing tickets for under 5km/h is a dooshbag. There is no reasonable excuse for targeting people who are just trying to point their speed needle at the speed limit number.
Jan 12, 7:18am
I am forever passing cop cars at 2 or 3km/hr over the speed limit. Sometimes several in a day and I am ignored so I don't think they are targeting a 101 km/hr driver at all. On the other hand the last 2 times I was tootaling along and passed cop cars and did a quick speed check I was doing 10km/hr under the speed limit, so I don't always drive over, but tend to set it at that when I am tripping or on long stretches so I don't let it ride up.
Jan 12, 8:07am
Living in Cambridge we driver the 110kmh section often. At 110kmh. Get passed all the time. Heaps. It seems A LOT of people just don't give a damn.
Jan 12, 8:12am
The slower people are forced to go, the more likely they are to use their phone. I've been setting my CC on 108/9. That means 104/5 GPS. Bloody hard to keep the level of concentration that a higher speed would facilitate.
Jan 12, 8:27am
Put it back to 10ks over tolerance, crashes will go up and down, change the channel and watch some entertainment sorted, a spike in accidents isnt an indication of any serious issues, a large volume of crashes over a long period of time is.
Jan 12, 8:33am
I dont think useing phones is a serious issue, it should be frowned upon but it isnt the end of the world, whats likely to cause a crash is answering it while you are driveing, you should allways pull over if it rings, but some people late for something might start driveing again, it isnt worth investing any more time in policing than it is.
Jan 12, 9:37am
Hammer the texters that are driving - just like Aussie.
There’s no excuse for checking your Farcbook status etc - and then posting on it when driving.
Jan 12, 11:36am
when they drift into the oncoming lane because of inattention to the job at hand it is,the speed is irrelevent im the victim of someones inattention before xmas and after 8 night in hospital and 3and a half weeks of pain and shit sleep so far and unable to work properly for another 5 months i feel something needs to be done.
at least im still here,maybe just a statistic, but still here.
Jan 12, 12:35pm
I got a ticket recently for 98k, towing a trailer
I had just passed a 108 year old man driving a Nissan Tiida travelling between 50 - 80ks on SH27.
I started to have a grizzle, but when cop told me the fine amount - $30, I couldn’t help but laugh.
Why do they bother?
Jan 12, 1:08pm
Insurance is also compulsory so you tend to get fewer boy racers driving V8s they can’t handle.
Waikato police got me on Sunday - 111 kph on the straight going into Pio Pio from the Hamilton side - bit of a bugger really because until then I hadn’t had a ticket for more than 5 years and no demerits either - an $80 lesson learnt though
Jan 12, 1:10pm
If basic driving skills like using lights at the right times, maintaining obvious stuff, like lights, the ability to park properly, use the correct lanes, indication or not text while driving are beyond the ability of drivers, then that's going to carry on to vehicle collisions.
While to do this is dangerous, it's a example. We were stopped behind a car at a stop sign where a oncoming car was turning right. The car in front of us was 'clear to go', but didnt, we waited, & waited, and tooted , just as 'right turning guy decided to turn anyway. And the car in front of us took off from the stop & nearly hit the right turning car. They actually had to hit the brakes & swerve to miss the car & stop on the intersection. At this point it's obvious to us that the driver ahead of us was on their cellphone & just took off when we tooted, without even looking. Right turning car was a late model Mercedes.
But this situation, someone stopped at a intersection, on their cellphone, somebody toots & they take off without looking. I have seen it before several times.
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