It's all just revenue gathering. The police spend millions above what the govt give them and so need to make the millions back, by the 'customers', you and I.
The ultimate revenue gathering is ticketing people for going 1 kmph over the limit.
Doing it for safety is BS!
They do it to make money in the same way parking tickets make money.
They bleed us the same way every other arsehole govt dept does.
Jan 12, 1:56pm
Right turning drivers who simply stop in the middle of the lane are a huge issue in Taranaki I’ve noticed recently
Jan 12, 2:01pm
Last ticket I got (and I haven't had many) was 86kph on the approach to the Harbour Bridge i.e. a motorway (sic). Static van I presume. If a cop stops you, you have a 50/50 chance of debating the issue, but if a fixed/camera van is set to issue tickets automatically, you are stuffed. It isn't road safety either otherwise they'd attempt to re-educate you.
Where I get passed all the time, is in the 80kph section between the Harbour Bridge and Market Road. Apart from the mimsers doing 65kph, you don't pass anyone if you do 80-85kph, but are always passed by heaps, regardless of the time of day.
if i remember right tailgating is the cause of 30% of auckland accidents, yet its rarely enforced.
i had one where traffic stopped due to wide load going over a bridge. the tailgater up ahead ended up on the shoulder beside the car he was tailgating. traffic started moving and then stopped,. and he did the exact same same thing. didn't learn from the first time. lucky for him its one of the very few places there is a shoulder wide enough to fit a car.
Jan 12, 2:43pm
keep in mind the whole reason for focus on speed, is its easy and CHEAP to do. mostly no court cases, all the paperwork etc is all streamlined etc. there is little to no having to send and officer to court and prove the gear and methods etc where correct.
to do bad driving, lack of attention, is very subjective, harder to prove in court and it takes time and effort to do. not to mention a lot more hours on the road, not sitting in a stationary vehicle with a speed gun. it simply costs more and police are just woefully underfunded.
Jan 12, 4:56pm
You should be seen to! You are not worth answering again.
Jan 12, 5:20pm
The UK has better motorways, better driver police with less focus on speed (AA watch dog) and everyone has car insurance.
Jan 12, 6:52pm
Like i said they should pull over if it rings, otherwise there eyes would still be on the road, and it should still be illegal, now as for swerving or inattention, that could be caused by something medical, have a think about it, i still remember the previous govt crusade against prescription drugs while driveing, i dont remember dozeing off on prozac, anyway take some defensive driveing courses, you take your life in your hands behind the wheel no matter what the govt dose, some bad road surfaces can be as dangerous as anything, there was a patch of road that eroded away to the side for a distance on a narrow open road a while ago, my back wheel caught the gravel, and if i panicked and hit the breaks i would be dead, or if you power of in a situation like that, you swerve about three times and you end up on your roof at 100ks, ugly, now if a cop saw me spinning up the back wheel in the gravel at 100ks and then blowing blue on the tar seal ide loose the car for something stuped like excessive execration or something, but if i couldent drive properly to get out of that it could have taken someone elce with me, it was a wide car so it took up the whole road, it wasent a matter of drifting left, and a massive truck comeing the other way towards the centre, it was a long straight road, just narrow, and abit damaged in places.
Jan 13, 1:56am
Tickets issued for 3km/h or less over the limit I doubt are actually issued as this speed is within the tolerance of the detection systems the police use. If they did it would be a very short and quick court appearance to successfully defend it. If they clock you at 103kmh they can't prove you were doing over 100kmh as your speed may have actually been 100kmh.
Jan 13, 2:41am
Cop shoulda been pulling up the old slow guy not you.
Jan 13, 4:08am
No the speed limit for towing a trailer has increased from 80 km/h to 90 km/h
Jan 13, 8:32am
Clearly we have a different view, i think all the self entitled idiots, that think speed limit signs are just side of road decorations, should be seen too. I look forward to a time (hopefully) that we get number plate recognition, along with speed cameras at intervals all along our motorways, and at all road works. Way too many dangerous idiots on our roads, and certainly motorcycles are some of the worst.
Jan 13, 8:37am
I don't think I have ever seen a motorcyclist do anything really stupid, ever. But I see car & truck drivers do it every day. Right now I can say that I have never seen a motorcyclist using a cellphone while driving. Just like I often see car drivers with their ( but sometimes just one ) headlights on during the day.
Jan 13, 9:17am
Passive aggressive behaviour is also not something we need on the roads. Let others make their mistakes, the motorway isn't the place to be playing silly games.
Jan 13, 9:21am
Been 90kph for years !
Jan 13, 9:55am
Yes, so 98 km/h is too fast.
Jan 13, 10:09am
You mean somewhere between 95 and 101 is too fast, that's as close as cop radar can figure it
Jan 13, 11:56am
I saw one the other day doing a wheelie at about 100k while lane splitting on the motorway in stopped traffic. Dunno if that qualifies as ‘really stupid’ but it ain’t ‘really clever’.
Jan 13, 12:36pm
it's unfortunate that the reckless minority tend to tar the rest of us, but that's the same for anything in life.
Jan 13, 12:40pm
seen plenty do stupid stuff. worse was when i was driving a light delivery truck and getting blown around a bit with the wind and the bike overtook me using the small bit of road shoulder.
a local had a bikie lean over and headbutt the van. he won't do that or anything ever again. workmate got overtaken by a couple of idiot bikies who clearly didn't know what they where doing and he went past them 5 min later and they where all smashed up. worse one i know of is they missed judged the corner, crossed the road, hit the drain and the bike was found stuck way up in a tree. 2 dead.
Jan 13, 1:55pm
It’s illegal
There’s a big difference
Jan 13, 2:40pm
It’s scary that you think by doing the speed limit you are a safe driver but in the same breath talk about closing the gap to push a lane splitting bike under a truck and sitting in the wrong lane to intentionally frustrate other drivers. Although you deleted that post so I really hope you were just trolling. Lane splitting is legal incase that wasn’t printed on the weetbix box when you cut your license out.
Jan 13, 2:52pm
It has already been increased, what is the hurry?! Anyway when towing the drag is out of control, so why would you want to spend even more money on petrol, leaving you less money for beers.
Jan 13, 2:57pm
It’s a diesel, and company pays for fuel
Brand new car, towing a brand new small empty trailer can do 100k safely
We all know that’s the case.
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