Home small compressor

xs1100, May 21, 1:18pm
working ok but not pressurizing. thoughts please or dump and buy another.
1 of the little 2 hp airforce models

saxman99, May 21, 1:19pm
Leaking pressure relief valve?

ronaldo8, May 21, 1:31pm
Could be any number of things, regulator set incorrectly/defective, unloader valve stuck/defective, reed valves cracked, snapped or wedged open with crap. full of water, no air space.

franc123, May 21, 1:33pm
Clogged intake filter.

ronaldo8, May 21, 1:39pm
That one as well, assuming it has any

intrade, May 21, 2:52pm
Its scrap most likely head gasket is also the valves can't get parts. Buy a proper compressor if you use it more than 1 time a year
thats whats inside probably blowen in middle the shims are the valves lol
keep the tank . i got my one to work, but it only gets to 2.5 bar won't ever shut off just good enough to fill tyres after head gasket messing abouts
i think its also worn the piston and boor as it was running for hours when it failed

gammelvind, May 21, 3:00pm
It wouldn’t be the first time I have fixed one of those where a bit of crap has got stuck holding one of the flappy valves open. Take the head off and check to see.

xs1100, May 22, 1:44pm
cheers guys, dont have a head gasket tho thank you

tygertung, May 22, 1:51pm
Use some RTV or make one from some cardboard.

shakespeare6, May 22, 4:12pm
Probably broken reed valve- cut a new one from a feeler gauge. That’s what I did to mine years ago and it’s still going strong

martin11, May 23, 3:23am
Gasket paper is available . RTV will work for a while but does not last .

yz490, May 23, 4:31am
Bought mine not running about 15 years ago & was a supercheap model, twin cylinder. Would barely turn itself over but was a faulty capacitor. Didn't end there though as 'that' made it run flat out but getting nowhere. Pulled the head & reed valve on inlet side was missing, no doubt previous owner had been in there looking for why it'd barely spin or wouldn't spin by memory & just blew the overload button. Made a reed out of a feeler blade of similar thickness to the existing one. Been a good compressor for all those years.

easyglowcandle, May 23, 5:04am
Contact Wayne at Electrics in Motion in Hamilton, he took over the stock when we closed our repair centre, I made up gasket sets for the Supercheap compressors, they are most likely the same as there appeared to be 2 styles of heads on these machines , he may still have them available.

msigg, May 23, 5:14am
Just go buy another one, cheap as chips. Nothing is worth repairing unless it is a bigger one that is used heaps with large capacity.

easyglowcandle, May 23, 5:25am
Now let me see, shall I buy a $10.00 gasket set or a $300.00 compressor, tough decision.

The OP has a 2HP compressor, even the 1HP models are around the $200.00 mark, this replace it attitude is why our landfill sites are filling up, the compressor only needs replacing if the repair cost is uneconomic

duncb, May 23, 7:10am
My Supercheap compressor which I bought when they first arrived in NZ had a problem with the head gasket. Made my own with some gasket paper I had lying around and it has been running well ever since

msigg, May 23, 9:22am
Plenty of hollow ground to fill up here, also plenty of hollow politicians minds as well.

kazbanz, May 23, 11:06am
My honest suggestion would be to pull the head off.
You literally have nothing to loose as the compressor aint compressing now.

alowishes, May 23, 2:45pm

Where’s the Kiwi ‘can do’ attitude?

xs1100, Aug 2, 2:58am
hahaha yeh nothing to lose and might learn something so cheers, sorry away during the week