Compressor Problems?. My compressor about 3 4 years old cheap chinese one but has done alot of work and been pretty reliable for
Mar 28, 3:45am
My compressor About 3-4 years old. Cheap chinese one but has done alot of work and been pretty reliable for the 399 price tag. 15cfm. Doesnt seem to keep up with the air flow. Took air filter off and noticed one blows air out and the other one sucks. Could it be a ring or something!
Mar 28, 4:49am
one valve be not opening
Mar 28, 6:52am
Yep the Chinese have their fingers in the pie.I'd get rid of that Harley if I were you ;)
Mar 28, 6:45pm
If its belt drive replace compressor, doubt if you would get any parts for it. Even SC were selling new belt drive 15 cfm units for around $350 ( made by SC not Chink import )
Mar 28, 7:27pm
yeah its a belt drive. I will rip apart and see if its a simply fix if not $1 reserve haha
Mar 28, 10:26pm
If it uses Reed valves (high tensile plates) for valves, which a lot do, then the plates &seats are probably well worn. Could get away with refacing the surfaces.
Mar 29, 3:07am
Theres a pipe running from the top of the head and onto a 1 way valve thats screwed into the tank. That valve is a non return valve that sounds like its stuck open or closed up, so is faulty. Remove it and inspected it for damage or debree thats stuck in there or free it up or replace. Ive seen this problem plenty sometimes its dryed out glue keeping it open sometimes casting from the alloy.another thought is remove this pipe and switch it on and see if the air is blowing in the right direction. And elect70 those beltdriven supercheap compressors(superworks) are 11cfm at the pump and 9cfm at the tap. Don't know where you got 15cfm from! And they are chink imports;)
Sep 8, 9:04pm
Valves are your problem, strip the head and clean them, if the non return valve stays open the air will be escaping from the unloading valve at the pressure switch, the SC compressors are from China and marketed through SC by an Australian company (Smart Marketing Group), they do not use plastic valves, some parts are available through the service agents (the company I work for is one) and most parts are quite cheap
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